Abigen macro not implemented for contracts that use the Bytes type

I’m trying to implement abigen for a contract that uses the Bytes type and it fails as follows:

error: proc macro panicked
  --> src/abigen.rs:3:1
3  | / abigen!(
4  | |     Contract(
5  | |         name="BalanceSheet",
6  | |         abi="../balancesheetmodule/out/debug/balancesheetmodule-abi.json"
...  |
53 | |     */
54 | | );
   | |_^
   = help: message: called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: InvalidType("Could not resolve raw untyped ptr to any known type")

Is there planned to be a fix for this soon? This is blocking us.

The SDK team is working on supporting returning Bytes now, there may actually be a PR open for this, but I’m AFK and can’t confirm right now.

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That’s good to hear. In the meantime using Vec in the contract interface is the easiest workaround