I am unable to connect to local node after updating fuel-core. It fails with this error:
called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: IO("Response errors; Unknown field \"maxGas\" on type \"NodeInfo\".; Unknown field \"maxSize\" on type \"NodeInfo\".; Unknown field \"indexation\" on type \"NodeInfo\".; Unknown field \"txPoolStats\" on type \"NodeInfo\".")
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
This error usually means that you are using a mismatched version of the rust SDK with the fuel core. Could you share what version of the SDK you are using?
Update: Although it works for a little while it eventually fails with error:
"io error: warning: the fuel node version to which this provider is connected has a semver incompatible version from the one the SDK was developed against. Connected node version: 0.41.7+nightly.20250224.778e577ad9, supported version: 0.40.0. Error making HTTP request: error sending request for url ( connection closed before message completed"
When I switch fuel core to v0.40.0 as the error requests – it returns this error when trying to connect the Provider:
called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: IO("Response errors; Unknown field \"maxGas\" on type \"NodeInfo\".; Unknown field \"maxSize\" on type \"NodeInfo\".")