Hi guys! I’m trying to run fuel network on my VPS machine@Contabo.
First i’ve got those errors and got help from discord community to manage it:
2024-01-16T21:07:51.060771Z INFO fuel_core::cli::run: 247: Block production disabled
2024-01-16T21:07:51.060849Z INFO fuel_core::cli::run: 348: Fuel Core version v0.20.5
2024-01-16T21:07:51.142645Z ERROR new{name=GabaService}: fuel_core_metrics::services: 47: Service with 'fuel-core-sync' name is already registered
2024-01-16T21:07:51.148945Z INFO new{name=GabaService}:initialize_loop{service="P2P"}: fuel_core_p2p::p2p_service: 437: Listening for p2p traffic on `/ip4/xxx/tcp/40333`
2024-01-16T21:08:01.148723Z ERROR new{name=GabaService}:initialize_loop{service="Relayer"}: fuel_core_services::service: 373: e=Failed to check if DA layer is syncing (code: -32600, message: Must be authenticated!, data: None)
2024-01-16T21:08:06.149786Z ERROR new{name=GabaService}:initialize_loop{service="Relayer"}: fuel_core_services::service: 373: e=Failed to check if DA layer is syncing (code: -32600, message: Must be authenticated!, data: None)
2024-01-16T21:08:11.150176Z ERROR new{name=GabaService}:initialize_loop{service="Relayer"}: fuel_core_services::service: 373: e=Failed to check if DA layer is syncing (code: -32600, message: Must be authenticated!, data: None)
Following those steps I ran:
$ fuelup show
$ fuelup toolchain new my_toolchain
$ fuelup toolchain install latest
$ fuelup show
$ fuelup component add forc@0.46.1
$ fuelup component add forc-explore
$ fuelup component add forc-index
$ fuelup component add forc-wallet
$ fuelup component add fuel-core@0.20.8
$ fuelup component add fuel-indexer@0.24.3
$ fuelup show
Now I’m stucked with the following log error:
2024-01-17T15:37:37.638671Z INFO new{name=GabaService}:initialize_loop{service="SyncTask"}:sync:observe{self=State { status: Committed(0) } height=13114189}: fuel_core_sync::state: 194: Status change from: Committed(0), to: Processing(1..=13114189)
2024-01-17T15:37:37.980639Z ERROR new{name=GabaService}:initialize_loop{service="ImportTask"}:import: fuel_core_sync::import: 138: Failed to import range of blocks: 1..=13114189
2024-01-17T15:37:37.980698Z INFO new{name=GabaService}:initialize_loop{service="ImportTask"}:import:failed_to_process{self=State { status: Processing(1..=13114189) } range=1..=13114189}: fuel_core_sync::state: 194: Status change from: Processing(1..=13114189), to: Committed(0)
2024-01-17T15:37:37.980718Z ERROR new{name=GabaService}:initialize_loop{service="ImportTask"}: fuel_core_sync::service: 179: error=Relayer is too far out of sync
2024-01-17T15:37:37.980749Z ERROR new{name=GabaService}:initialize_loop{service="ImportTask"}: fuel_core_services::service: 373: e=Relayer is too far out of sync
I’m using Alchemy as my RPC provider: https://eth-sepolia.g.alchemy.com/v2/c1Sxxxx
fuelup show execution result:
~/fuel_network$ fuelup show
Default host: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
fuelup home: /home/ubuntu/.fuelup
installed toolchains
my_toolchain (default)
active toolchain
my_toolchain (default)
forc : 0.46.1
- forc-client
- forc-deploy : 0.46.1
- forc-run : 0.46.1
- forc-doc : 0.46.1
- forc-explore : 0.28.1
- forc-fmt : 0.46.1
- forc-index : 0.24.3
- forc-lsp : 0.46.1
- forc-tx : 0.46.1
- forc-wallet : 0.3.0
fuel-core : 0.20.8
fuel-core-keygen : Error getting version string
fuel-indexer : 0.24.3
fuels versions
forc : 0.45
forc-wallet : 0.45
My fuel-core run command:
(please note that I’ve changed some ports)
fuel-core run \
--service-name GabaService \
--keypair 361b3275axxxxxx \
--relayer https://eth-sepolia.g.alchemy.com/v2/c1Sxxxxxxx \
--ip --port 5000 --peering_port 40333 \
--db-path /home/ubuntu/fuel_network/.fuel_beta4 \
--chain chainConfig.json \
--utxo-validation --poa-instant false --network beta-4 --enable-p2p \
--min-gas-price 1 --max_block_size 18874368 --max_transmit_size 18874368 \
--bootstrap_nodes /dns4/p2p-beta-4.fuel.network/tcp/30333/p2p/16Uiu2HAm3xjsqASZ68KpaJPkPCMUiMgquhjyDHtxcVxVdFkMgRFf,/dns4/p2p-beta-4.fuel.network/tcp/30334/p2p/16Uiu2HAmJyoJ2HrtPRdBALMT8fs5Q25xVj57gZj5s6G6dzbHypoS \
--sync_max_get_header 100 --sync_max_get_txns 100 \
--relayer-v2-listening-contracts 0x03f2901Db5723639978deBed3aBA66d4EA03aF73 \
--relayer-da-finalization 4 \
--relayer-da-deploy-height 4111672 \
--relayer-log-page-size 2000
Thanks Guys!