Faild test on beta-3 toolchain

Hi there, I was working on my project on latest toolchain, but when deploying the contract an error occurred ( Mistake in contract deploy - #4 by sandusky). Now I decided to adapt the contract to beta-3, deployed it (0x8535bb7283bb5d24b9061abd25a13db07b682f6bcb3ad2c5370d337340d9063c) but now I’m failing the test:

thread 'local_tests::buyer_test::buyer_test' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap() on an Err value: RevertTransactionError { reason: "failed transfer to address.", revert_id: 18446744073709486081, receipts: [Call { id: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, to: d51d49c5ef3350fde3f0f06fea82710f2f004913c2f4ed12dc3762a7469b897a, amount: 10000000, asset_id: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, gas: 1000000, param1: 404460789, param2: 10472, pc: 11792, is: 11792 }, Revert { id: d51d49c5ef3350fde3f0f06fea82710f2f004913c2f4ed12dc3762a7469b897a, ra: 18446744073709486081, pc: 21556, is: 11792 }, ScriptResult { result: Revert, gas_used: 1578 }] }', tests/local_tests/

I’ve seen a similar error here ("failed transfer to address." during std::token::mint_to_address call) but this solution doesn’t remove my error.

My current tools

Default host: aarch64-apple-darwin
fuelup home: /Users/alexey/.fuelup

installed toolchains
beta-3-aarch64-apple-darwin (default)

active toolchain
beta-3-aarch64-apple-darwin (default)
  forc : 0.37.3
    - forc-client
      - forc-deploy : 0.37.3
      - forc-run : 0.37.3
    - forc-doc : 0.37.3
    - forc-explore : 0.28.1
    - forc-fmt : 0.37.3
    - forc-index : 0.18.4
    - forc-lsp : 0.37.3
    - forc-tx : 0.37.3
    - forc-wallet : 0.2.2
  fuel-core : 0.17.11
  fuel-indexer : 0.18.4

fuels versions
forc : 0.39

My project on the latest toolchain: GitHub - PaulZhemanov/nft-ticketing-contract
Beta-3 branch: GitHub - PaulZhemanov/nft-ticketing-contract at beta-3

Hi there!
The example you’ve shared is used the latest toolchain rather than beta-3. So same solution won’t work.

Please be aware that

  1. You are using a non compatible version of the rust sdk : Since you are working with beta-3 you should use fuels 0.39 rather than fuels 0.42 at contract/Cargo.toml

  2. I’m not sure if “append_variable_outputs” is required on rust sdk aka fuels 0.39

I suggest to downgrade the fuel sdk and try to run it again.
Let me know if it works :smiley:

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You can also try fuels 0.41.1

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