I would like to know if it is possible to have a variable size array that can store variable length strings?
I am aware of StorageString which can be used to store variable length strings.
But how do I use it in combination of a StorageVector or a StorageMap?
It seems I can’t initialize a StorageString outside the storage block?
I would really appreciate any help that you can give me.
I’ve just opened an PR that explains how to do this. You can find documentation on this here.
Here is a high level overview:
storage {
nested_vec_string: StorageVec<StorageString> = StorageVec {},
impl Example for Contract {
fn store_vec() {
// Setup String to store
let my_string = String::from_ascii_str("Fuel is blazingly fast");
// Setup and initialize storage for the StorageString.
storage.nested_vec_string.push(StorageString {});
// Method 1: Store the string by accessing StorageString directly.
// Method 2: First get the storage key and then write the string.
let storage_key: StorageKey<StorageString> = storage.nested_vec_string.get(0).unwrap();
#[storage(read, write)]
fn get_vec() {
// Method 1: Access the stored string directly.
let stored_string: String = storage.nested_vec_string.get(0).unwrap().read_slice().unwrap();
// Method 2: First get the storage key and then access the stored string.
let storage_key: StorageKey<StorageString> = storage.nested_vec_string.get(0).unwrap();
let stored_string: String = storage_key.read_slice().unwrap();