How to issue my own token on the fuel testnet using Rust SDK?

How to issue my own token on the fuel testnet using Rust SDK?


In the continuation of this topic, I wrote a tutorial on how to work with tokens. This tutorial walks you through the process of issuing your own token on the Fuel testnet using Rust SDK.


Clone repository

This step involves cloning the fuel-token-standard repository from GitHub onto your local computer. To do this, you will need to use the git clone command.

git clone

After that letโ€™s go to the project folder

cd fuel-token-standard

Setup env

In this step, you will set up the environment for the fuel-token-standard repository. Here we should use forc-wallet. To create this, you will need to follow the instructions provided in the forc-wallet repository on GitHub.

After creating a wallet, you can see a list of your accounts by using this command

forc-wallet list

You also need to visit the Fuel faucet to get some testnet FUEL tokens , which you will use to deploy and interact with your token contract.

Here will involve creating a .env file and adding your wallet secret to it. To do this, you can rename the template:

mv ./.env.example ./.env

And insert your secret inside the .env file


Build and deploy

In this section I will explain in detail how to deploy, initialize, mint and transfer tokens. If you just want to deploy tokens in one click, then skip this section and move on to the next

In this step, you will build and deploy your token contract using the forc command-line tool. This involves compiling the contract code, generating the required bytecode, and deploying the contract to the Fuel testnet.

To build the contract, you will use the forc build command, which will compile the contract code and generate the bytecode required for deployment.

> forc build
  Compiled library "core".
  Compiled library "std".
  Compiled contract "token_contract".
  Bytecode size is 13912 bytes.

To deploy the contract, you will use the forc deploy command, which will send the deployment transaction to the Fuel testnet.

forc deploy --url --gas-price 1


  Compiled library "core".
  Compiled library "std".
  Compiled contract "token_contract".
  Bytecode size is 13912 bytes.
Contract id: <ACCOUNT ID>
Please provide the address of the wallet you are going to sign this transaction with:fuel1s0ul05vsv84ltlxfn7fwmv0765ghah4nm5zj84z6zwy9mcutnz6q97zrcl
Transaction id to sign: 4232f9c81c5104f3f9a81a120d0bec084c8fa8be40ad6397fd7f2aa79bd8af91
Please provide the signature: <YOUR SIGNATURE>

Before the deployment can be completed, you will need to sign the transaction with your wallet. To do this, you will need to use the forc-wallet command-line tool. First, you will need to open another terminal and use the forc-wallet list command to view the available wallets on your machine.

Next, you will need to use the forc-wallet sign command to sign the transaction with the desired wallet. The command requires you to specify the transaction ID and the index of the wallet you want to use.

forc-wallet sign <TRANSACTION ID> <WALLET INDEX>

Please enter your password to decrypt initialized wallet's phrases: 
Signature: 8d9c894fcbb5ae3f1a0318cca5c783e9a67b150ca953350023c673cb640171ad12e68716d17cf7bfb2e201dd72c506ede78ccf762bed621fa37275863a2010c3

Finally, you will need to enter the signature in the first terminal to complete the deployment. If the deployment is successful, the output will include the contract ID and the block number in which the contract was deployed.

Waiting 1s before retrying    
contract 777923117c7772c0680806d2a0d3a0eb5e654fa65e48d8de85516f6f85ba4887 deployed in block 0xcc6320caa393126b98bdbd0d90fba9cd659a36546b567f7d90ba8b591020133d


The initialize test case initializes the token contract by setting its name, symbol, and number of decimals.

To run the test case, update the TOKEN_ADDRESS constant in the tests/testnet_tests/ file with the address of your token contract, then run the following command:

cargo test --package tests --test tests -- testnet_tests::initialize::initialize --exact --nocapture 

Example output:

running 1 test
๐Ÿ‘› Account address     @ fuel1gzv3z02hz863dhtxzhz2d30jh62verdx7lfrzxkq9txxr3jgx4qsqgstc4
๐Ÿ—ž Token address   @ fuel1waujxytuwaevq6qgqmf2p5aqad0x2naxteyd3h5929hklpd6fzrsyjw5jy      
โœ… Initialize
Decimals: 9
Symbol:  BTC
Mint amount 1000 BTC   
test testnet_tests::initialize::initialize ... ok


The mint test case mints tokens to the wallet specified in the test configuration.

To run the test case, update the TOKEN_ADDRESS constant in the tests/testnet_tests/ file with the address of your token contract, then run the following command:

cargo test --package tests --test tests -- testnet_tests::mint::mint --exact --nocapture 

Example output:

running 1 test
๐Ÿ‘› Account address     @ fuel1gzv3z02hz863dhtxzhz2d30jh62verdx7lfrzxkq9txxr3jgx4qsqgstc4
๐Ÿ—ž Token address   @ fuel1waujxytuwaevq6qgqmf2p5aqad0x2naxteyd3h5929hklpd6fzrsyjw5jy
Decimals: 1
Symbol: BBC     
Mint amount: 1000 BBC     
Wallet balance: 1000 BBC     
โœ… Mint
Wallet balance: 1000 BBC     
test testnet_tests::mint::mint ... ok


The transfer test case transfers a specified amount of tokens from the wallet specified in the test configuration to the recipient specified in the test configuration.

To run the test case, update the TOKEN_ADDRESS, TRANSFER_AMOUNT, and RECIPIENT_ADDRESS constants in the tests/testnet_tests/ file with the address of your token contract, the amount of tokens to transfer (without decimals), and the recipient address, respectively, then run the following command:

cargo test --package tests --test tests -- testnet_tests::transfer::transfer --exact --nocapture 

Example output:

running 1 test
๐Ÿ‘› Account address     @ fuel1gzv3z02hz863dhtxzhz2d30jh62verdx7lfrzxkq9txxr3jgx4qsqgstc4
๐Ÿ—ž  Token address   @ fuel1waujxytuwaevq6qgqmf2p5aqad0x2naxteyd3h5929hklpd6fzrsyjw5jy
Decimals: 1
Symbol: BBC     
Wallet balance: 1000 BBC     
Wallet balance: 990 BBC     
Recipient balance: 10 BBC     
test testnet_tests::transfer::transfer ... ok

Deploy multiple tokens in one click

To deploy multiple tokens in one click, you will need to use the tests/testnet_tests/ script. In this script, you can specify an array of token configurations, each containing the name, symbol, decimals, and mint amount for the desired tokens.

To specify the tokens you want to deploy, modify the configs array in the script. For example:

    let configs: Vec<DeployConfig> = vec![
        DeployConfig {
            name: String::from("Tether"),
            symbol: String::from("USDT"),
            decimals: 6,
            mint_amount: 10000,
        DeployConfig {
            name: String::from("USD Coin"),
            symbol: String::from("USDC"),
            decimals: 6,
            mint_amount: 10000,



Once you have specified the desired tokens, you can run the script with the following command:

cargo test --package tests --test tests -- testnet_tests::deploy::deploy --exact --nocapture 

This will build and deploy the specified tokens. The output of the command will show the initialization details for each token, as well as any additional information relevant to the deployment process.

Example output:

running 1 test
โœ… Initialize

ownerAddress: fuel1gzv3z02hz863dhtxzhz2d30jh62verdx7lfrzxkq9txxr3jgx4qsqgstc4
name:         Tether                          
symbol:       USDT    
decimals:     6
assetId:      fuel1v4eezwvca24cn9xkp84kf26wm06cvfwef0zgsyk7mfvpqw3tm2qqf0rqha
hash:         6573913998eaab8994d609eb64ab4edbf58625d94bc48812deda58103a2bda80
salt:         [229, 154, 86, 240, 24, 119, 67, 186, 120, 209, 57, 181, 200, 35, 138, 119, 12, 183, 120, 179, 122, 172, 253, 77, 193, 37, 107, 157, 45, 225, 60, 163]


test testnet_tests::deploy::deploy ... ok

Can I just use your tokens?

If you donโ€™t want to spend your time deploying your own contract here is the config to the token that already exists in testnet:

And here is the link where you can mint them: Sway Lend.


In this tutorial, you have learned how to build and deploy a token contract using the forc command-line tool. You have also seen how to perform various actions with the token, such as initialize, mint, transfer, and deploy multiple tokens in one click. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can quickly and easily create and manage your own token on the Fuel network.



Great document! Many thanks!


wow interesting theme

First time seeing this, and this is amazing! Thanks for doing this.


FYI do click on this link Blocked | SwayLend to mint your faucet tokens.