I’m encountering an issue with fetching and formatting data from the Pyth SDK, specifically related to the update_price_data
I obtain from it. In our Rust SDK, we’re using Vec<Bytes>
to interact with contracts and parse responses from the Pyth service. However, when attempting to replicate this process in TypeScript, I keep running into an error message:
"FuelError: Expected array value."
To address this, I’ve explored two approaches:
#1. Making a GET request to https://xc-mainnet.pyth.network/api/ with specific parameters:
This approach results in a response like:
#2. Using the Pyth SDK and the connection.getPriceFeedsUpdateData(priceIds)
[‘0x01000000030d00d87b4fe955a375b8affe2de70ec1c3fba9…0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000’, ‘0x01000000030d006dc127b609375e3ce7ab05f8406bf3f81c…100000000007c311600000000000025c60000000065679330’, ‘0x01000000030d00ccaeca9b71f377ed31e97999e6bb2a6376…10000000005f5b8680000000000006bb00000000065679331’, ‘0x01000000030d00e67af2a8984d0cffad22b77c619b1bbccf…1000000019faf1633000000000044c1110000000065679331’, ‘0x01000000030d00885058f5cfb4e8a5bbe37f395258a7b74b…f000000012ef0cbc500000000005f625e000000006567932b’]
I’ve attempted to parse both of these values using the following method:
const parsedUpdateData = data.map((v) => Uint8Array.from(v.match(/.{1,2}/g)!.map((byte) => parseInt(byte, 16))));
Afterwards, I’ve provided this parsed data to a contract method that expects arguments of this type:
withdraw_collateral: InvokeFunction<[amount: BigNumberish, price_update_data: Vec<Bytes>], void>;
However, this approach failed with the same error message: "FuelError: Expected array value."If you have any insights or examples on how to correctly format and provide this data, I would greatly appreciate it