I got Error: No such file or directory (os error 2)

My fuelup show

Default host: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
fuelup home: /root/.fuelup

installed toolchains

latest-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (default)

active toolchain

latest-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (default)
forc : 0.60.0
- forc-client
- forc-deploy : 0.60.0
- forc-run : 0.60.0
- forc-crypto : 0.60.0
- forc-debug : 0.60.0
- forc-doc : 0.60.0
- forc-explore : 0.28.1
- forc-fmt : 0.60.0
- forc-lsp : 0.60.0
- forc-tx : 0.60.0
- forc-wallet : 0.7.1
fuel-core : 0.26.0
fuel-core-keygen : 0.26.0

fuels versions

forc : 0.62.0
forc-wallet : 0.62.0

I got Error: No such file or directory (os error 2)
This my cmd. i check many time but can’t figure out. Could you check this?

fuel-core run
–relayer https://eth-sepolia.g.alchemy.com/v2/
–ip= --port=4000 --peering-port=30333
–db-path /root/.fuel-sepolia-testnet/
–snapshot /root/chain-configuration/ignition/
–utxo-validation --poa-instant false --enable-p2p
–reserved-nodes /dns4/p2p-testnet.fuel.network/tcp/30333/p2p/16Uiu2HAmDxoChB7AheKNvCVpD4PHJwuDGn8rifMBEHmEynGHvHrf
–sync-header-batch-size 100
–relayer-v2-listening-contracts 0x01855B78C1f8868DE70e84507ec735983bf262dA
–sync-block-stream-buffer-size 30

Can you share at what location is your chainconfig directory?

1 Like

Sure, my chain-config is here

In the same directory as chain-configuration can you please try running this command?

fuel-core run \
--service-name=fuel-sepolia-testnet-node \
--keypair <KEY_PAIR> \
--relayer https://sepolia.infura.io/v3/<INFURA_KEY>\
--ip= --port=4000 --peering-port=30333 \
--db-path=~/.fuel-sepolia-testnet \
--snapshot ./ignition/ \
--utxo-validation --poa-instant false --enable-p2p \
--reserved-nodes /dns4/p2p-testnet.fuel.network/tcp/30333/p2p/16Uiu2HAmDxoChB7AheKNvCVpD4PHJwuDGn8rifMBEHmEynGHvHrf \
--sync-header-batch-size 100 \
--enable-relayer \
--relayer-v2-listening-contracts=0x01855B78C1f8868DE70e84507ec735983bf262dA \
--relayer-da-deploy-height=5827607 \
--relayer-log-page-size=500 \
--sync-block-stream-buffer-size 30

I run this cmd but got the same error

Can you please try updating the toolchain and try again?