April 7, 2023, 4:27pm
Hello guys!!!
After the fuels update to v0.39, I found an error with types that provided for Script entity in peace of that I copied in Fuel Applications Amm
fn transaction_output_variable() -> Output {
Output::Variable {
amount: 0,
to: Address::zeroed(),
asset_id: AssetId::default(),
pub async fn transaction_inputs_outputs(
wallet: &WalletUnlocked,
provider: &Provider,
assets: &Vec<AssetId>,
amounts: Option<&Vec<u64>>,
) -> TransactionParameters {
let mut input_coins: Vec<Input> = vec![]; // capacity depends on wallet resources
let mut output_variables: Vec<Output> = Vec::with_capacity(assets.len());
for (asset_index, asset) in assets.iter().enumerate() {
This function that returns this DataType which contains vectors of Inputs and Outputs that are imported from fuels::tx
use super::interface::{Exchange, AMM};
use fuels::{
prelude::{AssetId, ContractId},
tx::{Input, Output},
use std::collections::HashMap;
const AMOUNT_PER_COIN: u64 = 1_000_000;
const COINS_PER_ASSET: u64 = 100;
const DEADLINE: u64 = 1000;
const DEPOSIT_AMOUNTS: (u64, u64) = (10000, 40000);
const LIQUIDITY: u64 = 20000;
pub const NUMBER_OF_ASSETS: u64 = 5;
So, after this update, I can’t pass the same types as I used before due to incorrect Input types import.
We did add an Input
type in this PR
Can you use these import statements in your module instead, and try with either types?
use fuels::tx::Input;
use fuels_types::input::Input as FuelsInput;
I’ll see with the other contributors if there is something we missed regarding symbols exports.
April 10, 2023, 8:18pm
I already found a solution
Just replaced this (input from tx)
let input_predicate = Input::CoinPredicate {
utxo_id: predicate_coin_utxo_id,
tx_pointer: TxPointer::default(),
owner: predicate.address().into(),
amount: amount0,
asset_id: asset0,
maturity: 0,
predicate: predicate.code(),
predicate_data: vec![],
to this (input from types)
let coin = Coin {
amount: amount0,
block_created: 0,
asset_id: asset0,
utxo_id: predicate_coin_utxo_id,
maturity: 0,
owner: predicate.address().clone(),
status: fuels::types::coin::CoinStatus::default(),
let input_predicate = Input::ResourcePredicate {
resource: Resource::Coin(coin),
code: predicate_code.clone().into(),
data: predicate.data().clone(),
But I have spent a lot of time to understand this -_-
April 10, 2023, 8:19pm
And on the new version no way to get code from the predicate instance, that because I had to pass predicate_code as argument into this func
Sorry about that, we did export two symbols without noticing.
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The exports were changed as part of this PR and so this problem should not happen anymore.
May 15, 2023, 11:43am
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