Internal Compiler Error When Building Contract with Latest Toolchain

Subject: Internal Compiler Error When Building Contract with Latest Toolchain

Hello everyone,

I attempted to build a contract using the latest toolchain but encountered the following issue:

Internal compiler error: Trying to compile a deferred function application with deferred monomorphization
Please file an issue on the repository and include the code that triggered this error.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Upgrade to the latest version of forc.
  2. Clone the contract from this repository:GitHub - compolabs/orderbook-contract.
  3. Comment out the contents of the fuel-toolchain.toml file.
  4. Run forc build.

After executing these steps, I received the error in the console.

Has anyone else experienced this issue? Any guidance on how to resolve it would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!

It was an issue of the Spark side, so it’s fixed!

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