Invalid struct AssetId. Field "bits" not present

What needs to be done to fix this issue .

const { Provider, Wallet, Contract, getRandomB256 } = require('fuels');
const { abi } = require('./abi');

// Usage
// const address = 'fuel1ajyaxl3g4f8aejdz7jmahfrp25xngq4m9cxevmq4twxprj58fr7sd2kfv6';
async function main() {
  let contractId = '0xe42d3395676211db7fd38218bd8058b7ce9d6b89afec39af58ffe2a089891c0f';
  // Create a provider, with the Latest Testnet URL.
  const provider = await Provider.create('');

  // Initialize wallet with a private key
  const privateKey = ''; // Replace with your private key
  const wallet = Wallet.fromPrivateKey(privateKey, provider);
  const contract = new Contract(contractId, abi, wallet);
  const { value } = await contract.functions.total_assets().get();
  console.log("Value of Total Assets:", Number(value));
  const amount = BigInt(1);
  const recepient = {
    bits: ''
  const subId = getRandomB256();

  const assetId = {value : '0x3c1d0a51d8b12c534eb43923a78db241c05cb1b8995142ca955a3af83306e9f0'}; // Replace with actual asset ID
  const metadataKey = ''; 

  const metadata = await contract.functions.set_metadata(assetId,"This is NO NFT", metadataKey).txParams({ gasPrice: 1 }).call();
  console.log("Metadata:", metadata);


1 Like

if i Convert assetId to bits ,
const assetId = {bits : '0x3c1d0a51d8b12c534eb43923a78db241c05cb1b8995142ca955a3af83306e9f0'}; // Replace with actual asset ID

its giving error like this

Hey @mahesh_d_luffy can you share the contract code, as it’ll be a mismatch in the function inputs.

Alternatively, I’d really recommend using typegen as that’ll generate all your function types for you.


Hi @danielbate

here is the contract code


mod errors;
mod interface;

use errors::{MintError, SetError};
use interface::Constructor;
use standards::{src20::SRC20, src3::SRC3, src5::{SRC5, State}, src7::{Metadata, SRC7},};
use sway_libs::{
use std::{hash::Hash, storage::storage_string::*, string::String};

storage {
    /// The total number of unique assets minted by this contract.
    /// # Additional Information
    /// This is the number of NFTs that have been minted.
    total_assets: u64 = 0,
    /// The total number of coins minted for a particular asset.
    /// # Additional Information
    /// This should always be 1 for any asset as this is an NFT contract.
    total_supply: StorageMap<AssetId, u64> = StorageMap {},
    /// The name associated with a particular asset.
    name: StorageMap<AssetId, StorageString> = StorageMap {},
    /// The symbol associated with a particular asset.
    symbol: StorageMap<AssetId, StorageString> = StorageMap {},
    /// The metadata associated with a particular asset.
    /// # Additional Information
    /// In this NFT contract, there is no metadata provided at compile time. All metadata
    /// is added by users and stored into storage.
    metadata: StorageMetadata = StorageMetadata {},

configurable {
    /// The maximum number of NFTs that may be minted.
    MAX_SUPPLY: u64 = 3,

impl SRC20 for Contract {
    /// Returns the total number of individual NFTs for this contract.
    /// # Returns
    /// * [u64] - The number of assets that this contract has minted.
    /// # Number of Storage Accesses
    /// * Reads: `1`
    /// # Examples
    /// ```sway
    /// use src20::SRC20;
    /// fn foo(contract_id: ContractId) {
    ///     let contract_abi = abi(SRC20, contract_id);
    ///     let total_assets = contract_abi.total_assets();
    ///     assert(total_assets != 0);
    /// }
    /// ```
    fn total_assets() -> u64 {

    /// Returns the total supply of coins for an asset.
    /// # Additional Information
    /// This must always be at most 1 for NFTs.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `asset`: [AssetId] - The asset of which to query the total supply.
    /// # Returns
    /// * [Option<u64>] - The total supply of coins for `asset`.
    /// # Number of Storage Accesses
    /// * Reads: `1`
    /// # Examples
    /// ```sway
    /// use src20::SRC20;
    /// fn foo(contract_id: ContractId, asset: AssetId) {
    ///     let contract_abi = abi(SRC20, contract_id);
    ///     let total_supply = contract_abi.total_supply(asset).unwrap();
    ///     assert(total_supply == 1);
    /// }
    /// ```
    fn total_supply(asset: AssetId) -> Option<u64> {
        _total_supply(storage.total_supply, asset)

    /// Returns the name of the asset, such as “Ether”.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `asset`: [AssetId] - The asset of which to query the name.
    /// # Returns
    /// * [Option<String>] - The name of `asset`.
    /// # Number of Storage Accesses
    /// * Reads: `1`
    /// # Examples
    /// ```sway
    /// use src20::SRC20;
    /// use std::string::String;
    /// fn foo(contract_ic: ContractId, asset: AssetId) {
    ///     let contract_abi = abi(SRC20, contract_id);
    ///     let name =;
    ///     assert(name.len() != 0);
    /// }
    /// ```
    fn name(asset: AssetId) -> Option<String> {
        _name(, asset)
    /// Returns the symbol of the asset, such as “ETH”.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `asset`: [AssetId] - The asset of which to query the symbol.
    /// # Returns
    /// * [Option<String>] - The symbol of `asset`.
    /// # Number of Storage Accesses
    /// * Reads: `1`
    /// # Examples
    /// ```sway
    /// use src20::SRC20;
    /// use std::string::String;
    /// fn foo(contract_id: ContractId, asset: AssetId) {
    ///     let contract_abi = abi(SRC20, contract_id);
    ///     let symbol = contract_abi.symbol(asset).unwrap();
    ///     assert(symbol.len() != 0);
    /// }
    /// ```
    fn symbol(asset: AssetId) -> Option<String> {
        _symbol(storage.symbol, asset)
    /// Returns the number of decimals the asset uses.
    /// # Additional Information
    /// The standardized decimals for NFTs is 0u8.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `asset`: [AssetId] - The asset of which to query the decimals.
    /// # Returns
    /// * [Option<u8>] - The decimal precision used by `asset`.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```sway
    /// use src20::SRC20;
    /// fn foo(contract_id: ContractId, asset: AssedId) {
    ///     let contract_abi = abi(SRC20, contract_id);
    ///     let decimals = contract_abi.decimals(asset).unwrap();
    ///     assert(decimals == 0u8);
    /// }
    /// ```
    fn decimals(_asset: AssetId) -> Option<u8> {

impl SRC3 for Contract {
    /// Mints new assets using the `sub_id` sub-identifier.
    /// # Additional Information
    /// This conforms to the SRC-20 NFT portion of the standard for a maximum
    /// mint amount of 1 coin per asset.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `recipient`: [Identity] - The user to which the newly minted assets are transferred to.
    /// * `sub_id`: [SubId] - The sub-identifier of the newly minted asset.
    /// * `amount`: [u64] - The quantity of coins to mint.
    /// # Reverts
    /// * When the contract is paused.
    /// * When amount is greater than one.
    /// * When the asset has already been minted.
    /// * When more than the MAX_SUPPLY NFTs have been minted.
    /// # Number of Storage Accesses
    /// * Reads: `3`
    /// * Writes: `2`
    /// # Examples
    /// ```sway
    /// use src3::SRC3;
    /// fn foo(contract_id: ContractId) {
    ///     let contract_abi = abi(SR3, contract_id);
    ///, ZERO_B256, 1);
    /// }
    /// ```
    #[storage(read, write)]
    fn mint(recipient: Identity, sub_id: SubId, amount: u64) {

        // Checks to ensure this is a valid mint.
        let asset = AssetId::new(ContractId::this(), sub_id);
                .unwrap_or(0) + amount <= MAX_SUPPLY,

        // Mint the NFT
        let _ = _mint(

    /// Burns assets sent with the given `sub_id`.
    /// # Additional Information
    /// NOTE: The sha-256 hash of `(ContractId, SubId)` must match the `AssetId` where `ContractId` is the id of
    /// the implementing contract and `SubId` is the given `sub_id` argument.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `sub_id`: [SubId] - The sub-identifier of the asset to burn.
    /// * `amount`: [u64] - The quantity of coins to burn.
    /// # Reverts
    /// * When the contract is paused.
    /// # Number of Storage Accesses
    /// * Reads: `1`
    /// * Writes: `1`
    /// # Examples
    /// ```sway
    /// use src3::SRC3;
    /// fn foo(contract_id: ContractId, asset_id: AssetId) {
    ///     let contract_abi = abi(SR3, contract_id);
    ///     contract_abi.burn {
    ///         gas: 10000,
    ///         coins: 1,
    ///         asset_id: AssetId,
    ///     } (ZERO_B256, 1);
    /// }
    /// ```
    #[storage(read, write)]
    fn burn(sub_id: SubId, amount: u64) {
        _burn(storage.total_supply, sub_id, amount);

impl SRC7 for Contract {
    /// Returns metadata for the corresponding `asset` and `key`.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `asset`: [AssetId] - The asset of which to query the metadata.
    /// * `key`: [String] - The key to the specific metadata.
    /// # Returns
    /// * [Option<Metadata>] - `Some` metadata that corresponds to the `key` or `None`.
    /// # Number of Storage Accesses
    /// * Reads: `1`
    /// # Examples
    /// ```sway
    /// use src_7::{SRC7, Metadata};
    /// use std::string::String;
    /// fn foo(contract_id: ContractId, asset: AssetId) {
    ///     let contract_abi = abi(SRC7, contract_id);
    ///     let key = String::from_ascii_str("image");
    ///     let data = contract_abi.metadata(asset, key);
    ///     assert(data.is_some());
    /// }
    /// ```
    fn metadata(asset: AssetId, key: String) -> Option<Metadata> {
        storage.metadata.get(asset, key)

impl SRC5 for Contract {
    /// Returns the owner.
    /// # Return Values
    /// * [State] - Represents the state of ownership for this contract.
    /// # Number of Storage Accesses
    /// * Reads: `1`
    /// # Examples
    /// ```sway
    /// use standards::src5::SRC5;
    /// fn foo(contract_id: ContractId) {
    ///     let ownership_abi = abi(contract_id, SRC_5);
    ///     match ownership_abi.owner() {
    ///         State::Uninitalized => log("The ownership is uninitalized"),
    ///         State::Initialized(owner) => log("The ownership is initalized"),
    ///         State::Revoked => log("The ownership is revoked"),
    ///     }
    /// }
    /// ```
    fn owner() -> State {

impl SetAssetAttributes for Contract {
    /// Sets the name of an asset.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `asset`: [AssetId] - The asset of which to set the name.
    /// * `name`: [String] - The name of the asset.
    /// # Reverts
    /// * When the caller is not the owner of the contract.
    /// * When the name has already been set for an asset.
    /// # Number of Storage Accesses
    /// * Reads: `1`
    /// * Writes: `2`
    /// # Examples
    /// ```sway
    /// use asset::SetAssetAttributes;
    /// use src20::SRC20;
    /// use std::string::String;
    /// fn foo(asset: AssetId, contract_id: ContractId) {
    ///     let set_abi = abi(SetAssetAttributes, contract_id);
    ///     let src_20_abi = abi(SRC20, contract_id);
    ///     let name = String::from_ascii_str("Ether");
    ///     set_abi.set_name(asset, name);
    ///     assert( == name);
    /// }
    /// ```
    fn set_name(asset: AssetId, name: String) {
        _set_name(, asset, name);

    /// Sets the symbol of an asset.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `asset`: [AssetId] - The asset of which to set the symbol.
    /// * `symbol`: [String] - The symbol of the asset.
    /// # Reverts
    /// * When the caller is not the owner of the contract.
    /// * When the symbol has already been set for an asset.
    /// # Number of Storage Accesses
    /// * Reads: `1`
    /// * Writes: `2`
    /// # Examples
    /// ```sway
    /// use asset::SetAssetAttributes;
    /// use src20::SRC20;
    /// use std::string::String;
    /// fn foo(asset: AssetId, contract_id: ContractId) {
    ///     let set_abi = abi(SetAssetAttributes, contract_id);
    ///     let src_20_abi = abi(SRC20, contract_id);
    ///     let symbol = String::from_ascii_str("ETH");
    ///     set_abi.set_symbol(asset, symbol);
    ///     assert(src_20_abi.symbol(asset) == symbol);
    /// }
    /// ```
    fn set_symbol(asset: AssetId, symbol: String) {
        _set_symbol(storage.symbol, asset, symbol);

    /// This function should never be called.
    /// # Additional Information
    /// NFT decimals are always `0u8` and thus must not be set.
    /// This function is an artifact of the SetAssetAttributes ABI definition,
    /// but does not have a use in this contract as the decimal value is hardcoded.
    /// # Reverts
    /// * When the function is called.
    fn set_decimals(_asset: AssetId, _decimals: u8) {
        require(false, SetError::ValueAlreadySet);

impl SetAssetMetadata for Contract {
    /// Stores metadata for a specific asset and key pair.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `asset`: [AssetId] - The asset for the metadata to be stored.
    /// * `key`: [String] - The key for the metadata to be stored.
    /// * `metadata`: [Metadata] - The metadata to be stored.
    /// # Reverts
    /// * When the metadata has already been set for an asset.
    /// # Number of Storage Accesses
    /// * Reads: `1`
    /// * Writes: `2`
    /// # Example
    /// ```sway
    /// use asset::metdata::SetAssetMetadata;
    /// use src_7::{SRC7, Metadata};
    /// fn foo(asset: AssetId, key: String, contract_id: ContractId, metadata: Metadata) {
    ///     let set_abi = abi(SetAssetMetadata, contract_id);
    ///     let src_7_abi = abi(SRC7, contract);
    ///     set_abi.set_metadata(storage.metadata, asset, key, metadata);
    ///     assert(src_7_abi.metadata(asset, key) == metadata);
    /// }
    /// ```
    #[storage(read, write)]
    fn set_metadata(asset: AssetId, key: String, metadata: Metadata) {
                .get(asset, key)
        _set_metadata(storage.metadata, asset, key, metadata);

impl Pausable for Contract {
    /// Pauses the contract.
    /// # Reverts
    /// * When the caller is not the contract owner.
    /// # Number of Storage Accesses
    /// * Writes: `1`
    /// # Examples
    /// ```sway
    /// use sway_libs::pausable::Pausable;
    /// fn foo(contract_id: ContractId) {
    ///     let pausable_abi = abi(Pausable, contract_id);
    ///     pausable_abi.pause();
    ///     assert(pausable_abi.is_paused());
    /// }
    /// ```
    fn pause() {

    /// Returns whether the contract is paused.
    /// # Returns
    /// * [bool] - The pause state for the contract.
    /// # Number of Storage Accesses
    /// * Reads: `1`
    /// # Examples
    /// ```sway
    /// use sway_libs::pausable::Pausable;
    /// fn foo(contract_id: ContractId) {
    ///     let pausable_abi = abi(Pausable, contract_id);
    ///     assert(!pausable_abi.is_paused());
    /// }
    /// ```
    fn is_paused() -> bool {

    /// Unpauses the contract.
    /// # Reverts
    /// * When the caller is not the contract owner.
    /// # Number of Storage Accesses
    /// * Writes: `1`
    /// # Examples
    /// ```sway
    /// use sway_libs::pausable::Pausable;
    /// fn foo(contract_id: ContractId) {
    ///     let pausable_abi = abi(Pausable, contract_id);
    ///     pausable_abi.unpause();
    ///     assert(!pausable_abi.is_paused());
    /// }
    /// ```
    fn unpause() {

impl Constructor for Contract {
    /// Sets the defaults for the contract.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `owner`: [Identity] - The `Identity` that will be the first owner.
    /// # Reverts
    /// * When ownership has been set before.
    /// # Number of Storage Acesses
    /// * Reads: `1`
    /// * Write: `1`
    /// # Examples
    /// ```sway
    /// use standards::src5::SRC5;
    /// use nft::Constructor;
    /// fn foo(contract: ContractId, owner: Identity) {
    ///     let src_5_abi = abi(SRC5, contract.bits());
    ///     assert(src_5_abi.owner() == State::Uninitialized);
    ///     let constructor_abi = abi(Constructor, contract.bits());
    ///     constructor_abi.constructor(owner);
    ///     assert(src_5_abi.owner() == State::Initialized(owner));
    /// }
    /// ```
    #[storage(read, write)]
    fn constructor(owner: Identity) {

The function is expecting this:

You are passing this:

Your third parameter is a string whereas it is expecting the enum Metadata. This is the src7 Metadata type that you will have to match for that third param.


let me check whit this thanks

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thanks for your guidance

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