Issue with getTransactionCost Returning Incorrect Gas Limit for Contract Function Calls

Hello Fuel Community,

I’ve encountered an issue with the getTransactionCost function when working with a complex system of five contracts. The problem arises when I attempt to use getTransactionCost to estimate the gas limit for a deposit_collateral function call in one of my contracts. The estimated gas limit provided by getTransactionCost seems to be incorrect, leading to transaction failure.

  • Issue: The getTransactionCost function is returning a gas limit that is lower than what is actually required for the transaction to succeed.
  • Error Encountered: The transaction fails with the error message: “Gas limit ‘33650’ is lower than the required: ‘94690’.”


const { gasUsed } = await account.contracts?.vaultContract.functions.deposit_collateral()
        forward: { amount: amount.toString(), assetId: TOKENS_BY_SYMBOL.USDC.assetId },
    .txParams({ gasPrice: 1 })

await account.contracts?.vaultContract.functions.deposit_collateral()
        forward: { amount: amount.toString(), assetId: TOKENS_BY_SYMBOL.USDC.assetId },
    .txParams({ gasPrice: 1, gasLimit: gasUsed })

Hello @sway the TypeScript SDK team is currently investigating this potential bug associated with the getTransactionCost() method. We’ll make sure to keep you updated on our progress. Thank you! :blush:

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I created a new issue here.

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@sway I Forgot to mention it here, but this issue was resolved ~1 month ago.

Please let us know if everything is working as expected.

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