Log type with logId '10098701174489624218' doesn't exist in the ABI

I am trying to call a script on fuel and pass it some tokens as well. But I am getting this error, even when I don’t have any log in script.

  const scriptInstance = new MyScript(wallet);
  const tx = await scriptInstance.functions
      gasLimit: 1000000,
      maxFee: 100000,

  const coin = {
    amount: 1000000000,
  const coinResponse = await wallet.getCoins(coin.assetId);


  const chainInfo = await wallet.provider.getChain();
  const minGas = tx.calculateMinGas(chainInfo);
  const maxGas = tx.calculateMaxGas(chainInfo, minGas);

  tx.maxFee = maxGas.mul(1.1);

  const txCost = await wallet.getTransactionCost(tx);

  const transactionFee = txCost.maxGas;
  tx.gasLimit = transactionFee;

Can someone help me with this issue?

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Hey @etherhood, I assume your script is calling a contract, hence you’ve added the contract input? Use the addContracts method, and it’ll also add the ABI with the contracts log IDs.

API reference and inter-contract call docs will help.

Any program that is being added in the script, we should also add it’s ABI to the transaction so it has full context.

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Thank you, do I need full abi of that contract, even if I am not using extra function or methods?
Also the guy above Bailey is scammer, he tried redirecting me to some other site when I asked question for rust sdk thing

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In theory you only need the logs from the ABI, but you need the full ABI to instantiate the contracts and pass it to addContracts.

And ty, we’ve banned them.

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