NFT Standards & Metadata Standards

In order to ensure a maximum productive and sustainable NFT ecosystem on fuel, this is meant to open a discussion on how to approach the topics of standardization for contracts as well as metadata key standards for NFTs.

Currently, on the fuel docs a loose backwards compatibility to the OpenSea Metadata Standards is proposed as well as a generic NFT implementation using SRC3, SRC7 and SRC20.

This topic here is meant for discussion on how to
A) agree on an approach for NFT standards going forward
B) agree on metadata key standards beyond basics

Potential discussions:

  • Extended NFT standards (equivalents to ERC721, ERC1155, ERC6059, ERC6551)
  • What benefits and unique approaches can merge this with benefits on fuel
  • Handling Marketplace Approvals (equivalents to Set Approval and Set Approval for All)
  • Extended Metadata Key Standards beyond Opensea’s Standard

Looking forward to hear thoughts.

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Additional standard equivalents for discussion / improvement :

ERC-2981 (Royalty)
ERC-5169 (scriptURI)

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Can you expand on and justify these other standards you would like to see @xpluscal ?

Hey @nick, as mentioned in the working group:

I think it really boils down to getting something like a supportsInterface equivalent together with the ability to use partial abis to interact with contracts.

Why? Because this would allow other platforms to detect specific types of contracts e.g. to understand from the outside if a specific standard is used and thus make use of that contract without the manual need to have the full abi.