NodeModules:Unable to import 'generateTestWallet'

Hi, is there an update going on? Not sure why it doesn’t work and the documentation page is down

This is the code and I am running the local fuel node.

import { NODE_URL } from "../../lib";
import { Provider, Wallet, WalletUnlocked, Signer, CoinQuantity,  } from "fuels";
import { generateTestWallet } from '@fuel-ts/account/test-utils';
import { useState } from "react";
import useAsync from "react-use/lib/useAsync";
export const useFaucet = () => {
  const [faucetWallet, setFaucetWallet] = useState<WalletUnlocked>();

  useAsync(async () => {
    if (!faucetWallet) {
      const provider = await Provider.create(NODE_URL);
      const baseAssetId = provider.getBaseAssetId();
      const myWallet: WalletUnlocked = await generateTestWallet(provider, [[10, baseAssetId]]);
      const signer = new Signer("0x01");
      const balances: CoinQuantity[] = await myWallet.getBalances();
      console.log('Local Provider address', signer)
      console.log('Local Provider Balances', balances)

  }, [faucetWallet]);

  return {


 Property '#private' in type 'Provider' refers to a different member that cannot be accessed from within type 'Provider'.ts(2345)
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