Is there an illustration use case to elaborate what is the difference of predicate and script?
Also according to the docs: What does it mean by Coins of the same Asset are not distinguishable from one another.?
An “Asset” is a Native Asset on Fuel and has the associated AssetId type. Assets are distinguishable from one another. A “Coin” represents a singular unit of an Asset. Coins of the same Asset are not distinguishable from one another.
Fuel does not use tokens like other ecosystems such as Ethereum and uses Native Assets with a UTXO design instead.
Predicates are programs that returns true or false values and do not contain any side effects. They can own assets.
On the contrary, scripts are runnable bytecode on the chain that executes to perform certain task. . It does not represent ownership of any resources and it cannot be called by a contract. A script can return a single value of any type.
and here it means that assets can be distinguishable and has an associated assetId. while coins on the contrary, comes under the Asset umbrella. there can be more than one coin of a particular asset id.
An EOA relayer + smart-contract wallet can do everything that a predicate can do, but with much more complexity & overhead (relayers are required, who must also be paid a fee), more centralization (relayers are centralized), and more costs (predicates are much cheaper than smart-contracts).
Coin is one of the input and output of the UTXO. A Coin input represents any asset held on-chain. A coin input can consume a Coin, Change or Variable output.