I want to propose 3 related changes to the Fuel protocol:
- Attaching predicate data to outputs, rather than storing it in the predicate code
- Allow outputs to contain multiple asset_ids
- (more ambitious) allow the block builder to choose inputs and build outputs based on low-cost pre-execution Sway code
I am in favor of adding all of these, but #3 would require at least #1 to implement (and possibly #2 to implement ergonomically).
1. Data Outputs
This would be a new output type which either has a field for arbitrary bytes or for a hash of bytes attached to the tx that created it.
This allows many separate data “instances” to exist at a single predicate address, rather than creating a new address for each new piece of data. This also allows the data structure of outputs to be standardized (this is important for #3 of this proposal)
This is essentially isomorphic with the current data design for Fuel predicates, but it just moves the data from the spending tx to the creation tx, which allows the predicate “instances” to be indexed on creation rather than on spend. Of course, the old pattern is still and option, it’s just opt-in instead of the default.
2. Add Multi-asset to new Output
Currently, we only allow each output to have one asset_id. This means that any correlated value in a dApp needs to be explicitly stated in the predicate data, otherwise the predicate can’t constrain the spending of that value.
For example: imagine a predicate that represents a swap pool between two asset types ETH ↔ USDC. If each ETH value was a separate output from the USDC value, then each output would need to have its own datum to know with whom it could be spent:
enum SwapData {
Parent {
child_utxo_1: UTxO_Id,
child_utxo_2: UTXO_Id,
ratio: float,
Child {
parent_nft: AssetId
This would allow each child to be spent only when the parent NFT is spent, and the parent would only be spendable if the two child utxos were spent.
This works!
An alternative would be, if it the output includes multiple assets, then the data would just be:
struct SwapData {
asset_1: AssetId,
asset_2: AssetId,
ratio: float,
This would mean fewer predicate executions and the checks in the single execution could be about the amounts of the AssetId and not also the existence of specific UTxOs.
Example: Combining Data Output and Multi Asset Output
These two things can just be a single output type since it only really matters at predicate addresses. If it’s at a wallet address it doesn’t need to have data nor does it need to be bound to a single output.
If we take a simple swap predicate as an example, the current code would look something like this:
Where the “continued data” is in the form of a new address (P(SwapData2)
). This is difficult to index without also having the “SwapData2” data off-chain.
This would be solved simply by adding a Data Output:
Where the output address doesn’t change as the data changes. It’s always just P
This introduces a little noise because the associated UTxOs must have pointers to each other in the form of algebraic data types Parent
and Child
. At least it is now indexible by an off-chain worker without requiring extra off-chain information besides the ABI.
We can clean this up more if the Data Output also had Multi-asset support:
Now all associated value is coupled together seamlessly. This is a very common scenario, so I would suggest we just add it to the protocol instead of expecting every Predicate dApp builder to introduce their own algebraic data types.
3. (more ambitious) ABI-aware Block Building for solving Predicate Parallel Execution
I’m not sure if this worth it economically, since predicates are already small, and the filter and template execution might be more expensive than the actual predicate, but it’s potential solution to the predicate input collision problem and is interesting to talk about. And probably it makes sense with the “right” designs or with some optimistic incentives!
Adding Data Outputs and Multi-asset Outputs would enable some other cool features. One of which would be giving the block builder access to the ABI of the Data field and giving it rules by which it can select Inputs and construct Outputs on behalf of the tx submitter. I think this would also be possible without the Multi-asset Output, but like the above example it could increase quality of life without much work to add.
Problem Statement
Each output can only be spent once. This means that if multiple txs reference the same input, then only one of those txs will execute. This might mean people have to rebuild and sign their txs multiple times, referencing the new outputs. If there is enough demand, then you might never be able to get your tx included in a block!!!
There are a number of ways to structure your dApps that will mitigate this problem (such as off-chain batcher workers), but essentially this is a problem with the “deterministic” nature of predicates themselves. If that isn’t addressed in some way at a protocol level, then we will always be stuck with UTxO collision problems.
Proposed Solution
Predicates are “deterministic” assuming the tx has already passed certain checks, e.g. all of the inputs exists, the outputs value equal the total of the inputs, the tx is signed by the owner of the inputs, the correct predicate is included, etc. This is work that the tx pool and the block builder have to do without reward.
This begs the question: How much work are we willing to make the block builder do without reward?
In theory, we could relinquish some of the tx building to the block builder who has all the context needed to build successful txs. This would be split into two parts:
- Filters for inputs, which would allow the block builder to search for an input with values and data that meets the requirements of the Predicate
- Templates for creating new outputs and with valid data.
Of course, this could create a combinatorial explosion of possible work for the block builder. I think there are ways to solve these issues though.
For example, there could potentially be millions of outputs associated with a given predicate address. However, the parallel execution problem we are trying to solve only exists because inputs are front-run by another, recent tx. With that in mind, the block builder only needs to keep track of outputs from the last few (at most 10) blocks. This would limit the search space to conservatively 10 blocks * 600 tx/block * 255 outputs/tx (1_530_000) outputs—probably a lot less since txs that large would fill up more of the block. We also already want to punish actors for creating outputs, so it would be an unsustainable DoS vector.
Filters would be a new type of Sway code that consumes the same ABI as your predicate.
They could look roughly like this:
struct SwapData {
asset_1: AssetId,
asset_2: AssetId,
ratio: float,
fn ratio_low_enough(ratio_limit: float) -> bool {
let data: SwapData = Input::data();
data.ratio <= ratio_limit
fn enough_from_asset(from: AssetId, amount: int) -> bool {
let values: Values = Input::values();
vales.get(from) >= amount
fn main(from: AssetId, amount: int, ratio_limit: float) -> bool {
ratio_low_enough(ratio_limit) && enough_from_asset(from)
Output Templates
Templates would be a new type of Sway code that also consumes the predicate ABI and
fn compute_new_ratio(new_from: int, new_to: int) -> float {
fn main(from: AssetId, to: AssetId, amount: int, total_user_from: int, user_address: Address) -> (Output, Ouput, DataOutput) {
let chosen_input = Selected::input(0); // This needs some work, but for now select first (only) "selected" input
let input_data: SwapData = chosen_input::data();
let old_ratio = input_data.ratio;
let old_from_amount = chosen_input::get(from);
let old_to_amount = chosen_input::get(to);
let from_payed = old_ratio * amount;
let new_from = old_from_amount + from_payed;
let new_to = old_to_amount - amount;
let new_ratio = compute_new_ratio(new_from, new_to);
// data output
let new_data = SwapData {
ratio: new_ratio,
let predicate_address = chosen_input::address();
let new_data_output = DataOutput::new(predicate_address, new_data);
new_data_output.push(from, new_from);
new_data_output.push(to, new_two);
// from output
let new_user_from_amount = total_user_from - from_payed;
let new_user_from_output = Output(user_address, from, new_user_from_amount);
// to output
let new_user_to_output = Output(user_address, to, amount);
(new_user_from_output, new_user_to_output, new_data_output)
This is expensive!!!
There is plenty of room for improvements here, but the predicate execution of this swap would probably be cheaper than either the filter or the template written above. Is this worth it? Maybe? Probably? Sometimes?
In terms of state growth of the chain, this is identical to normal predicates. Looking at which txs were added to the blocks, you won’t see all this extra work captured. The wire tx sizes will be larger, but we can use blobs for those too in theory, like we did for predicates.
We can also come up with “optimistic” execution models. The simplest is adding a tip for the builder to the tx. The builder might waste execution on failing filters and templates, but that could be solved with rate limiting in theory. There could also be bonding solutions and potentially(?) zk proofs for failing txs to punish the submitter by taking money from their bond.
These are ideas I’ve thought about a lot since learning the Predicate model on Fuel. #1 and #2 are inspired by Cardano’s eUTxO model. I’ve wanted to code more Sway, and I prefer to code in Predicates since that is what I’m familiar with, but the lack of these features has scared me away. It creates much more work for the writer of the dApp because they need to come up with bespoke solutions for the indexation problem.
#3 addresses a problem that hasn’t been solved on Cardano either. Even after years of research, they haven’t come up with a solution (they are working on it though, e.g. Validation zones). I don’t want to assume that it’s as simple as “filters” and “templates” above, but I do want to make sure we are at considering solutions that will make Fuel the best it can be.