Release of FUEL CONNECTORS v0.38.1

We’re happy to announce the release of Fuel Connectors v0.38.1, that brings UX and DevEx improvements to enhance your experience and streamline development workflows.

UX Improvements

  • EVM Connector: Skip signature prompt when the same address has already signed before. #443
  • EVM Connector: Added a pre-signature dialog when logging in, explaining why the user needs to sign. #454
  • EVM/SVM Connectors: Added a post-connection dialog to explain the differences between EVM/SVM addresses and Fuel Predicate addresses. #455

DevEx Improvements

  • Introduced utility methods to retrieve Fuel Predicate Addresses for EVM or SVM addresses:
    • WalletConnectConnector.getFuelPredicateAddresses(evmAddress)
    • SolanaConnector.getFuelPredicateAddresses(svmAddress) #463

The updated version has already been integrated into the Explorer, Bridge, and Staking apps, and is live.
To leverage these new features, please update your applications to this version.