How storage works in FuelVM? Is it stack-based like EVM? Is there any document to read about this?
Maybe this can help Sway | Fuel Docs
the playground has a Solidity to Sway transpiler which can help to see how variables are defined.
In addition to the official documentation, when I start looking into Sway I found these 2 lessons helpful to get my head around Fuel and Sway
Introduction to Fuel and FuelVM | LearnWeb3
UTXOs, Access Lists, and Parallelization | LearnWeb3
hope this helps
Thanks for reply but I am looking for how state is stored at low-level rather than how to use storage in sway.
the low level fuel vm specification is available here : Fuel Specifications | Fuel Docs
Thanks, I have checked the docs before creating this topic. How state is stored is not specified there.
Thanks @boray, such a document or blog on storage and opcodes will be great, walking through execution of a contract.
though there are some explanations in the docs.