What is the best DEX/ NFT Marketplace on Fuel?

Is there any good DEX on Fuel for bridging, farming, and SWAPs?
Also, none of the NFT Eco Links work… where can I try minting a couple of NFTs?

Hey @anshulrajgarg, if you’re looking for projects within the ecosystem, you can explore them here:

Please note that all the projects are transitioning from the beta-4 to the beta-5 network, which might be why they are currently unavailable.

For bridging, you can usually find information here (though it might be affected by the network update): Fuel Portal

Regarding farming, it’s currently a non-incentivized network, so there’s no “farming” activity happening at the moment.

For swaps, under normal circumstances, visit: https://app.sprk.fi/

For NFTs, the marketplace is typically accessible at: Thunder NFT Marketplace

Please check back later for updates or changes due to the network transition.

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I can’t connect to thunder marketplace since wallet update. Always keeping this screen trying to connect on https://thundernft.market/ or https://beta.thundernft.market/

CleanShot 2024-03-05 at 11.44.52