I have check this article about wallet and how to connect and disconnect but i need types description for my functions in typescript. Please help me to find npm type package or full type description of FuelWeb3Provider
Hey Lidia, I just screated a new category in the forum dedicated to the wallet and SDK. The npm package is https://www.npmjs.com/package/fuels and you can find the docs for the wallet SDK here API | Fuel Wallet
Yes, I have seen this one already, and my question was about this category.
So, I am looking for a types description for this wallet object called FuelWeb3
something like @types/fuels, but they’re nothing like this on npm
Type for methods and instances are mentioned in the article but there is no link where I can get them.
Also, you can check this topic for more info
Hi @sway, you don’t provide a nice way to import types yet. But the work is in progress. You can track it here: Add FuelWeb3 on the types package · Issue #310 · FuelLabs/fuels-wallet · GitHub.
But you can use a temporary solution for it by installing: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@fuel-wallet/sdk
And adding into a types file the following code;
import { FuelWeb3SDK } from '@fuel-wallet/sdk';
declare global {
interface Window {
FuelWeb3: FuelWeb3SDK;
Once the PR is merged you are going to be able to import '@fuel-wallet/sdk
directly into your types.d.ts
or react-app-env.d.ts
by adding the following line;
/// <reference types="@fuel-wallet/sdk" />
Or directly on the tsconfig config file by adding;
"compilerOptions": {
"types": ["@fuel-wallet/sdk"]
Wonderful, thats what I was looking for, i will follow this PR
@sway the new versions with the types are now available on @fuel-wallet version 0.2.0. https://www.npmjs.com/package/@fuel-wallet/sdk
Wow, you guys are so good
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