Can't run Testnet Node

I have been following the guide from: Running a Testnet Node | Fuel Docs

But I can’t get it working… see images below:

I suspect that the chainConfig.json is not correct from the guide.

Alright, but I want to do it locally on my own server :slight_smile: . But I can’t get it working…

I think you’re using the peer_id instead of the secret for the P2P Key. Also the relayer is allowed only through http/https. Not with wss.

Hope it helps


Hey @dryn, I can confirm that the chainConfig.json provided in the guide is correct. Is the chainConfig.json you’ve created located in the path specified here?

--chain ./chainConfig.json

According to the guide, you need to run the entire command from the same root directory as your chainConfig.json.

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Omg you were right about the peer_id… I’m dumbass

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False alarm @Lucplo were right about using the peer_id Thanks for helping y’all