Client request error: status not found for transaction

Hi guys, noticed a strange network behavior today, I ran my spark test and found that the transaction took a very long time (about an hour mb) and finally crashed with the following error

If you try to call it again it fails with next error

the test:


Default host: aarch64-apple-darwin
fuelup home: /Users/alexey/.fuelup

installed toolchains
latest-aarch64-apple-darwin (default)

active toolchain
latest-aarch64-apple-darwin (default)
  forc : 0.46.0
    - forc-client
      - forc-deploy : 0.46.0
      - forc-run : 0.46.0
    - forc-doc : 0.46.0
    - forc-explore : 0.28.1
    - forc-fmt : 0.46.0
    - forc-index : 0.21.0
    - forc-lsp : 0.46.0
    - forc-tx : 0.46.0
    - forc-wallet : 0.3.0
  fuel-core : 0.20.5
  fuel-core-keygen : Error getting version string
  fuel-indexer : 0.21.0

fuels versions
forc : 0.45
forc-wallet : 0.45

How to reproduce the bug

git clone 
cd spark
git checkout beta-4
cd contracts/spot-market/      
echo "ALICE=<YOUR_PK>" >> .env 
cargo test --package spot-market --test integration_tests -- testnet_tests::match_orders_test::match_orders_test --exact --nocapture 

There was an error on the client side. A hotfix will be provided in the upcoming release of fuel-core v0.20.7. Learn more about it in the announcement here!

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