"Response errors; Unknown field \"status\" on type \"Message\"." During deploy of contract using rust sdk

Hey guys
I’m trying to redeploy swaylend tokens using fuels v0.37.1 but I have an error when I’m calling my deploy script

    "Response errors; Unknown field \"status\" on type \"Message\".",

How to reproduce the bug:

git clone git@github.com:sway-gang/sway-lend.git   
cd sway-lend    
git checkout provider-error   
cd contracts/token/  
forc build   
echo "SECRET=<YOUR_ECRET_HERE>" >> .env
cargo test --package tests --test tests -- actions::deploy::deploy --exact --nocapture 

Please help


This sounds like a mismatch in tooling versions. I would guess that some component in the toolchain you’re using isn’t compatible with the rest.
Are you using the beta-3 toolchain?


How to check that?
I have fuels v0.37.1
forc 0.33.1
fuelup 0.15.1
rustup 1.25.2 (17db695f1 2023-02-01)


So, fuelup show will let you see the currently active toolchain.
fuleup check will let you see if there are any updates available for the toolchain you’re using.
fuelup toolchain install beta-3 will update your beta-3 toolchain for example.

I’m AFK right now, but you can then check fuels-rs to see if it’s using the same version of fuel-core as your toolchain.


forc : 0.35.3
- forc-client
- forc-deploy : 0.35.3
- forc-run : 0.35.3
- forc-doc : 0.35.3
- forc-explore : 0.28.1
- forc-fmt : 0.35.3
- forc-index : 0.3.0
- forc-lsp : 0.35.3
- forc-wallet : 0.2.0
fuel-core : 0.17.3
fuel-indexer : 0.3.0

fuelup check
forc - Up to date : 0.35.3
fuel-core - Up to date : 0.17.3
fuel-indexer - Up to date : 0.3.0
fuelup - Update available : 0.15.1 → 0.18.1

Looks like you need to set a default toolchain, I’m AFK tofay, but I think its fuelup default beta-3 or similar.

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I have been updated all of the fuelup packages, and setuped beta-3 toolchain, but still have same error

fuelup self update && fuelup toolchain install beta-3 && fuelup default beta-3   
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If you are deploying to the beta-2 testnet you should use the beta-2 toolchain. The beta-3 toolchain is incompatible with beta-2, so you won’t be able to deploy with that until the beta-3 testnet is live.

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So at the very beginning I had a beta 2 toolkit

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Is there any chance the fuels = { version = "0.37.1", features = ["fuel-core-lib"] } don’t work with toolchain beta-2?

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Yes, you might have to downgrade fuels as well.

Is it correct toolchain?

installed toolchains

beta-2-aarch64-apple-darwin (default)

active toolchain

beta-2-aarch64-apple-darwin (default)
forc : 0.31.1
- forc-client
- forc-deploy : 0.31.1
- forc-run : 0.31.1
- forc-doc : 0.31.1
- forc-explore : 0.28.1
- forc-fmt : 0.31.1
- forc-index : 0.1.13
- forc-lsp : 0.31.1
- forc-tx - not found
- forc-wallet : 0.1.2
fuel-core : 0.15.3
fuel-indexer : 0.1.13

yes that is the correct toolchain to interact with the beta-2 testnet

So, fuels v0.37.1 imcompatible with toolchain beta-2, Use fuels v0.35.1


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