Get outOfGas error when try to supplytokens to contract

Here is my code of market contract:

I try to call supplyBase fn, and also I have 0.5ETH ,but keep getting outOfGas error. Tried to increase gasLimit from 1 to 100000 but it didn’t help anyway

const  marketContract = MarketAbi__factory.connect(market, wallet);

    return market.functions
        forward: {
          amount: this.tokenAmount.toString(),
          assetId: this.baseToken.assetId,
      .txParams({ gasPrice: 100000 })

Abis that I use:
“fuels”: “^0.54.0”,

@sway Interesting. Can you try specifying the gasLimit instead of gasPrice? You can use the same value.

Same error

Found solution , added gasLimit to callParams

instead of

 return market.functions
        forward: {
          amount: this.tokenAmount.toString(),
          assetId: this.baseToken.assetId,
     .txParams({ gasPrice: 100000 })

changed to

return market.functions
        forward: {
          amount: this.tokenAmount.toString(),
          assetId: this.baseToken.assetId,
        gasLimit: 100000,
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Oh compolabs, fastest gun in town :cowboy_hat_face:

Actually, this might be a problem.

Follow-up issue:

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