Handle account change event doesn't work when setSelector is used

We have in our Spark app both wallets like Fuel Wallet and Fuelet Wallet.
The code that used to work before with events like change account, change network and etc was based on window.fuel and window.fuelet instances, but I decided to update to workflow based on connector, everything work fine except

window.fuel.on(window.fuel?.events?.currentAccount, this.handleAccEvent);

It doesn’t work anymore in both wallets

Code of AccountStore

import RootStore from "@stores/RootStore";
import { makeAutoObservable, reaction, when } from "mobx";
import { Address, Provider, Wallet, WalletLocked, WalletUnlocked } from "fuels";
import { IToken, NODE_URL, TOKENS_LIST } from "@src/constants";
import BN from "@src/utils/BN";
import Balance from "@src/entities/Balance";
import { FuelWalletProvider } from "@fuel-wallet/sdk";

export enum LOGIN_TYPE {
	FUEL_WALLET = "Fuel Wallet",
	FUELET = "Fuelet Wallet",

export interface ISerializedAccountStore {
	address: string | null;
	loginType: LOGIN_TYPE | null;

class AccountStore {
	public readonly rootStore: RootStore;
	public provider: Provider | null = null;

	public get initialized() {
		return this.provider != null;

	private setProvider = (provider: Provider | null) => (this.provider = provider);

	constructor(rootStore: RootStore, initState?: ISerializedAccountStore) {

		this.rootStore = rootStore;
		if (initState) {
			document.addEventListener("FuelLoaded", this.onFuelLoaded);
		when(() => this.provider != null, this.updateAccountBalances);
		setInterval(this.updateAccountBalances, 10 * 1000);
			() => this.address,
			() => Promise.all([this.updateAccountBalances()]),

	listConnectors: string[] = [];
	setListConnectors = (value: string[]) => (this.listConnectors = value);

	initProvider = async () => {
			.then((provider) => this.setProvider(provider))

	public assetBalances: Balance[] | null = null;
	setAssetBalances = (v: Balance[] | null) => (this.assetBalances = v);

	updateAccountBalances = async () => {
		if (this.address == null) {
		const address = Address.fromString(this.address);
		const balances = (await this.provider?.getBalances(address)) ?? [];
		const assetBalances = TOKENS_LIST.map((asset) => {
			const t = balances.find(({ assetId }) => asset.assetId === assetId);
			const balance = t != null ? new BN(t.amount.toString()) : BN.ZERO;
			if (t == null) return new Balance({ balance, usdEquivalent: BN.ZERO, ...asset });

			return new Balance({ balance, ...asset });

	getBalance = (token: IToken): BN | null => {
		const balance = this.findBalanceByAssetId(token.assetId);
		if (balance == null) return null;
		return balance.balance ?? BN.ZERO;
	findBalanceByAssetId = (assetId: string) =>
		this.assetBalances && this.assetBalances.find((balance) => balance.assetId === assetId);

// used to get connectors after window.fuel id defined
	onFuelLoaded = () => {
		if (window.fuel == null) return;
		const connectors = window.fuel.listConnectors();
		this.setListConnectors(connectors.map((c: { name: string }) => c.name));
		window.fuel.on(window.fuel?.events?.currentAccount, this.handleAccEvent);
		window.fuel.on(window.fuel?.events?.network, this.handleNetworkEvent);
		window.fuel.on(window.fuel?.events?.currentConnector, this.handleConnectorEvent);

//🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑this even doesn't work
	handleAccEvent = (account: string) => {
		console.log("handleAccEvent", account);
	handleConnectorEvent = (con: string) => {
		console.log("handleConnectorEvent", con);

	handleNetworkEvent = (network: FuelWalletProvider) => {
		if (network.url !== NODE_URL) {
			this.rootStore.notificationStore.toast(`Please change network url to Testnet Beta 4`);

	public address: string | null = null;
	setAddress = (address: string | null) => (this.address = address);

	public loginType: LOGIN_TYPE | null = null;
	setLoginType = (loginType: LOGIN_TYPE | null) => (this.loginType = loginType);

	serialize = (): ISerializedAccountStore => ({
		address: this.address,
		loginType: this.loginType,

	login = async (loginType: LOGIN_TYPE) => {
		await this.loginWithWallet(loginType);

	disconnect = async () => {
		try {
		} catch (e) {

	loginWithWallet = async (connector: LOGIN_TYPE) => {
		//fixme change to notification
		try {
			await window.fuel.selectConnector(connector);
			await window.fuel.connect();
			const account = await window.fuel.currentAccount();
			const provider = await window.fuel.getProvider();
			if (provider.url !== NODE_URL) {
				this.rootStore.notificationStore.toast(`Please change network url to beta 4`);
		} catch (e) {
			this.rootStore.notificationStore.toast("User denied", {
				type: "error",

	get isLoggedIn() {
		return this.address != null;

	getWallet = async (): Promise<WalletLocked | WalletUnlocked | null> => {
		if (this.address == null || window.fuel == null) return null;
		return window.fuel.getWallet(this.address);

	get walletToRead(): WalletLocked | null {
		return this.provider == null
			? null
			: Wallet.fromAddress("fuel1m56y48mej3366h6460y4rvqqt62y9vn8ad3meyfa5wkk5dc6mxmss7rwnr", this.provider ?? "");

	get addressInput(): null | { value: string } {
		if (this.address == null) return null;
		return { value: Address.fromString(this.address).toB256() };

	get addressB256(): null | string {
		if (this.address == null) return null;
		return Address.fromString(this.address).toB256();

export default AccountStore;


Hi there!

Be aware that window.fuel is being removed.

I highly recommend you to use @fuels-wallet/react which contains a set of useful React Hooks with systems in place to handle behaviors such as onFuelLoaded.

Please visit the hooks-reference for more details.


For better compatibility, you can use an instance of Fuel directly instead of the window.fuel.

import { Fuel } from "@fuel-wallet/sdk";

const fuel = new Fuel();

await fuel.hasWallet();
await fuel.listConnectors();

But as you are using react, if you can use hooks, I highly recommend using the @fuels-wallet/react as @sandusky mentioned. Documentation is on the way, but you can see a preview on the PR: docs: @fuel-wallet/react by cold-briu · Pull Request #884 · FuelLabs/fuels-wallet · GitHub

okie, I tried to do the way you proposed because I have the logic of account in store that is TS file, so the approach of bringing logic to components via hooks is not the one I like.

but, I have questions related to the fuel object

const f = new Fuel();

connectors field in fuel object is always working well and shows correct amount of them (in my case is 2), but this field is private, so I can’t get it, but function listConnectors always gives me always different amount of them, sometimes after hard reset is 2, sometimes is 0 after usual reset

document.addEventListener(“FuelLoaded”, this.onFuelLoaded);
started to work also strangely, after hard reset it never runs, only after command + R
So it seems to be cash-related question, but I couldn’t find the final documentation about this approach, all info on Connecting | Fuel Wallet depends on window.object, so please provide how to work with that

And I think that all hooks that were shared by sandusky would be cool to deploy to npm package

As the time between your instance of Fuel and the connectors being injected can vary you need to listen for the connectors event. Wallet Connectors | Fuel Wallet

fuel.on(fuel.events.connectors, (connectors) => {
   // get the connectors.

thanks a lot , it worked!

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