"Handshake failed" Error

This is freshly installed node. I’ve tried updating to nightly but still nothing.
Any ideas?

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Can you share the fuelup show output from your terminal?

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Thanks for the response! Here:


and this is when switched to the stable version:


the problem persists in both cases.

We changed the name of the network, so you need to download a new chain-configuration/ignition at master · FuelLabs/chain-configuration · GitHub and restart the node with a new configuration to continue following the network.

We changed from Fuel Ignition to Ignition.

also, please have a look at this recent announcement

I think I figured it out. Is there a way to see the status of my node?

My current logs look like this but I believe it only one node causing the negotiation failure.

What do you mean by status of the node here?