The node cannot establish a connection with a peer via the P2P protocol

After the upgrade of configuration an error appeared:
2024-09-17T21:36:33.302659Z ERROR new{name=nuberfuel}:initialize_loop{service=“P2P”}: fuel_core_p2p::peer_report: 165: Dial failure: peer id Some(PeerId("16Uiu2HAmDxoChB7AheKNvCVpD4PHJwuDGn8rifMBEHmEynGHvHrf")) with error Failed to negotiate transport protocol(s): [(/dns4/ : Handshake failed: Handshake failed: Handshake failed: Protocol negotiation failed.)]

output fuelup show:

Hey @0xRom, would you please confirm your chain config is up to date?

Also let me know in case this discussion is helpful for you.

Lastly, we changed the name of the network, so you need to download a new chain-configuration/ignition at master · FuelLabs/chain-configuration · GitHub and restart the node with a new configuration to continue follow the network.

We changed from Fuel Ignition to Ignition for posterity before launch.

Reinstalled the node completely and now there are no errors

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