How to get the network a wallet is connected to?

Dapps should check what network a wallet is connected to. Most dapps are using the fuel connectors. How to check if a wallet is connected to testnet or mainnet? The only way I see right now is to get wallet.provider.url, but it won’t work for custom urls such as different node providers or indexers. It looks like we should use wallet.provider.getChainId() for that, but that function right now returns 0 for all network (both for Fuel and Fuelet wallets)

Hi @mpoplavkov have you tried the currentNetwork method?

Got it, we need to take it from a connector instance, thanks

I’m trying to use this method:

        fuel.currentConnector()?.currentNetwork().then((network) => {
          console.log("Network", network.url);
          console.log("Chain", network.chainId);

And I’m getting undefined for network.chainId for both Fuel wallet and Fuelet

@mpoplavkov typically you would use it in a fashion like this

  const fuel = await new Fuel({
      storage: null,
      connectors: [new MyConnector()],
    const [network] = await fuel.networks();
    const currentNetwork = await fuel.currentNetwork();

Perhaps you could share a link to the repro of the issue so that we could take a look?

I’m using react hooks. That’s all I’m doing:

  const {fuel} = useFuel();
  const {isConnected} = useIsConnected();

  useEffect(() => {
    fuel.currentNetwork().then((network) => {
      console.log("Chain 1", network.chainId);
    fuel.currentConnector()?.currentNetwork().then((network) => {
      console.log("Chain 2", network.chainId);
  }, [isConnected, fuel]);

Both log outputs result in network.chainId to be undefined. Even when the wallet is connected, and the connector is set. Am I doing something wrong?

    "@fuels/connectors": "^0.27.1",
    "@fuels/react": "0.27.1",
    "fuels": "0.94.6",
    "react": "^18.2.0",

Hi @mpoplavkov that looks like correct usage, to be certain you could ensure that console.log is only called when isConnected is true but either way useEffect would re-trigger once isConnected changes, and thus you should see the network.

Could you share a link so that I could try and debug this issue?

I can’t, the repo is private. Just try to use the snippet I provided

Hi @mpoplavkov thanks for highlighting this, I was able to reproduce this issue on this demo repo which is a modified fork of

I’ve created this issue to address it with the default fuel connectors but the chainId returned is still 0

I think this is a separate issue which I’m enquiring about at the moment.

EDIT: Once this fix is released you should get the correct chainId

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Hi @mpoplavkov the fix has been released in fuel-wallet which will be released in the Chrome web store soon.

Feel free to test it though via this link

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