Issue with Script Building on Devnet

Issue with Script Building on Devnet

Hello friends,

In our Spark system, we use not only contracts but also scripts. When migrating to devnet, these scripts stopped building. For example, here is one of them that helps match orders efficiently, but when I try to build it using the devnet compiler version (e.g., 0.58), the build fails with the following error (it worked on beta-5):

error: Private struct field is inaccessible
   --> /Users/alexey/Desktop/orderbook-contract/match-in-pairs-script/src/main.sw:17:23
 17 |     while (i < orders.len) {
    |                       ^^^ Private field "len" of the struct "Vec" is inaccessible in this module.
    |                       --- help: Private fields can only be accessed within the module in which their struct is declared.
   ::: /Users/alexey/.forc/git/checkouts/std-9be0d6062747ea7/3c86abb4008017cfb93132c759758cd7a02fc8d9/sway-lib-std/src/vec.sw:144:5
144 |     len: u64,
    |     --- info: Field "len" is declared here as private.

  Aborting due to 1 error.
Error: Failed to compile match-in-pairs-script

How to reproduce

fuelup default nightly
git clone 
cd orderbook-contract
git checkout devnet-master-merge
forc build

My toolchain

Default host: aarch64-apple-darwin
fuelup home: /Users/alexey/.fuelup

installed toolchains
nightly-aarch64-apple-darwin (default)

active toolchain
nightly-aarch64-apple-darwin (default)
  forc : 0.58.0+nightly.20240515.3c86abb400
    - forc-client
      - forc-deploy : 0.58.0+nightly.20240515.3c86abb400
      - forc-run : 0.58.0+nightly.20240515.3c86abb400
    - forc-crypto : 0.58.0+nightly.20240515.3c86abb400
    - forc-debug : 0.58.0+nightly.20240515.3c86abb400
    - forc-doc : 0.58.0+nightly.20240515.3c86abb400
    - forc-explore : 0.28.1+nightly.20240515.4bb7392eed
    - forc-fmt : 0.58.0+nightly.20240515.3c86abb400
    - forc-lsp : 0.58.0+nightly.20240515.3c86abb400
    - forc-tx : 0.58.0+nightly.20240515.3c86abb400
    - forc-wallet : 0.7.0+nightly.20240515.3576ae79c4
  fuel-core : 0.26.0+nightly.20240515.5b427ebdb1
  fuel-core-keygen : not found

Has anyone faced a similar issue or can provide insights on what might be going wrong? Any help would be appreciated!

Thank you!

I’m quite sure it’s orders.len() (as a function call)

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