Metadat read fail

I am trying to read metadata in TS from the NFT contract.


Screenshot from 2024-02-07 19-34-01

    const contract = await getContract();
    const metadata: MetadataInput = { String: "" };
    const id = { value: "0xa74dcc2789f5643a27750d6f0f2dfb2b6d5d39bb74c0911e4d8114f8d66fa2d1" };
    const res = await contract.functions.set_metadata(id, "0", metadata).txParams({ gasPrice: 100, gasLimit: 10000 }).call();

reading metadata

```const getmetadata = async () => {
    const contract = await getContract();
    const wallet = await getWallet();
    const id = { value: "0xa74dcc2789f5643a27750d6f0f2dfb2b6d5d39bb74c0911e4d8114f8d66fa2d1" };
    const res = await contract.functions.metadata(id, "0").txParams({ gasLimit: 10000 }).simulate();


Hi @chappie1998, could you please share which version of the TypeScript SDK you’re currently using? Also, I’m interested in knowing the version of Sway you’re working with. Thank you!

I am on beta5 toolchain. all the SDKs and sway is latest version.

forc 0.49.1
“fuels”: “^0.73.0”,

@nedsalk, @Torres-ssf any idea about this?

@chappie1998 hey I’m looking into this. Could you share your Forc.toml file?

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If you have a repo that you could share that would be awesome too. Would allow me to reproduce this error easily and then work on a fix :slight_smile:

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it’s an NFT contract from sway application

I see. Are you able to set the metadata? Is the problem only with reading it?

I am able to set the metadata. This is my TS code for that

    console.log("metadata start");
    const contract = await getContract();
    const wallet = await getWallet();
    // console.log(await wallet.getBalances());
    const metadata: MetadataInput = { String: "" };
    const id = { value: "0x36e2674c59665fc43a11546ef95054da5fab342b94ffb1a430246b59cef17e12" };
    const res = await contract.functions.set_metadata(id, "0", metadata).txParams({ gasPrice: 100, gasLimit: 10000 }).call();
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chappie1998 Is this problem only happening when you try to read the metadata, right?

Does the contract call to set the metadata works ok?

@Torres-ssf yes setting metadata works fine.

@chappie1998 I was able to reproduce this. I’ve filed an issue: Unable to read SRC7 metadata via the TS SDK · Issue #1880 · FuelLabs/fuels-ts · GitHub and am now working on a fix. Will get back to you once we have a fix. Thanks for your patience

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