How to read metadata from NFTcontract using TS-SDK

Hi @danielbate I am currently trying to read metadata From NFT contract , But its returning something else.

Typescript code :

const { Provider, Wallet, Contract, getRandomB256 } = require('fuels');
const { abi } = require('./abi');

async function main() {
  let contractId = '0xdd723a38d1fe832f231fc6ffc69b5dc51850b5fc7f4b5b03f9fa11821877c5ca';
  // Create a provider, with the Latest Testnet URL.
  const provider = await Provider.create('');

  // Initialize wallet with a private key
  const privateKey = ''; // Replace with your private key
  const wallet = Wallet.fromPrivateKey(privateKey, provider);
  const contract = new Contract(contractId, abi, wallet);
  // Fetch total assets
  const { value } = await contract.functions.total_assets().get();
  console.log("Value of Total Assets:", Number(value));

  // // Define assetId and metadataKey
  const assetId = { bits: '0x2f18e07d3177f6fa66b9999c2174d5d027e659f3f44bd5b9d449c43df12d7559' }; // Replace with actual asset ID
  const metadataKey = '';

  // Create the Metadata::String variant
  const metadataEnum = { String: metadataKey };

  const metadata = await contract.functions.metadata(assetId, metadataKey).get();
  let metaKey = metadata.callResult


Response I am getting :

Fuelup show versions

contract ID : 0xdd723a38d1fe832f231fc6ffc69b5dc51850b5fc7f4b5b03f9fa11821877c5ca
Asset ID : 0x2f18e07d3177f6fa66b9999c2174d5d027e659f3f44bd5b9d449c43df12d7559

Contract code for getting metadata

impl SRC7 for Contract {
    /// Returns metadata for the corresponding `asset` and `key`.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `asset`: [AssetId] - The asset of which to query the metadata.
    /// * `key`: [String] - The key to the specific metadata.
    /// # Returns
    /// * [Option<Metadata>] - `Some` metadata that corresponds to the `key` or `None`.
    /// # Number of Storage Accesses
    /// * Reads: `1`
    /// # Examples
    /// ```sway
    /// use src_7::{SRC7, Metadata};
    /// use std::string::String;
    /// fn foo(contract_id: ContractId, asset: AssetId) {
    ///     let contract_abi = abi(SRC7, contract_id);
    ///     let key = String::from_ascii_str("image");
    ///     let data = contract_abi.metadata(asset, key);
    ///     assert(data.is_some());
    /// }
    /// ```
    fn metadata(asset: AssetId, key: String) -> Option<Metadata> {
        storage.metadata.get(asset, key)

set Metadata code :

const { Provider, Wallet, Contract, getRandomB256 } = require('fuels');
const { abi } = require('./abi');

async function main() {
  let contractId = '0xdd723a38d1fe832f231fc6ffc69b5dc51850b5fc7f4b5b03f9fa11821877c5ca';
  // Create a provider, with the Latest Testnet URL.
  const provider = await Provider.create('');

  // Initialize wallet with a private key
  const privateKey = ''; // Replace with your private key
  const wallet = Wallet.fromPrivateKey(privateKey, provider);
  const contract = new Contract(contractId, abi, wallet);
  // Fetch total assets
  const { value } = await contract.functions.total_assets().get();
  console.log("Value of Total Assets:", Number(value));

  // // Define assetId and metadataKey
  const assetId = { bits: '0x2f18e07d3177f6fa66b9999c2174d5d027e659f3f44bd5b9d449c43df12d7559' }; // Replace with actual asset ID
  const metadataKey = '';

  // Create the Metadata::String variant
  const metadataEnum = { String: metadataKey };

  // Call set_metadata function with the correct parameters
  const metadata = await contract.functions.set_metadata(assetId, "This is NO NFT", metadataEnum).txParams({ gasPrice: 1 }).call();
  let txn = await metadata.waitForResult()



Do we need anyother details to Provide over here.

The value property on your response object of undefined would indicate there is no metadata stored for metadataKey.

As the function doc states:

undefined in our case represents None. Have you definitely set metadata for that key?

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Hi @danielbate

yes , I have set metadata for that key transaction executed properly

help me to get what i am missing

I find out the issue and resolved, Thanks :slight_smile:

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