Run local node at sepolia testnet?

Can we run a local node right now for interact with sepolia testnet ?

Hi @Flan289,

You should be able to. Note, the Running Node Getting Started Guide appears to be not be working for people. We are working to resolve that shortly and will get back to you once the new instructions work correctly with the latest Testnet.

This will be the guide to follow once we have updated it:

You can follow this issue as we resolve this:

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gm gm gm gm , can we run test-net phase5 node now ?

If you mean the beta-5 network, then we wouldn’t recommend it, as it will be deprecated soon

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can i ask why ? almost all modular projects have a part running node for ETH purpose ! so there is no program for running node ? and another question is the main-net validators reward by native token or ETH?