Store error occurred error during contract call using ts-sdk

Hello there. I just checked the logs of my contract-based spark-matching engine and got the error below. I got this error when I called match func from my order book contract with arguments “62695” and “58865”

is anybody know what it can be?

Error: store error occurred: {
  "response": {
    "data": null,
    "errors": [
        "message": "store error occurred",
        "locations": [
            "line": 2,
            "column": 3
        "path": [
    "status": 200,
    "headers": {}
  "request": {
    "query": "query getResourcesToSpend($owner: Address!, $queryPerAsset: [SpendQueryElementInput!]!, $excludedIds: ExcludeInput) {\n  resourcesToSpend(\n    owner: $owner\n    queryPerAsset: $queryPerAsset\n    excludedIds: $excludedIds\n  ) {\n    ...coinFragment\n    ...messageFragment\n  }\n}\n\nfragment coinFragment on Coin {\n  utxoId\n  owner\n  amount\n  assetId\n  maturity\n  coinStatus: status\n  blockCreated\n}\n\nfragment messageFragment on Message {\n  amount\n  sender\n  recipient\n  data\n  nonce\n  messageStatus: status\n  daHeight\n}",
    "variables": {
      "owner": "0x2ce05bde9ada2d2c58b5eb9f08be34df19375d618626c324f75dfdbd226c8d88",
      "queryPerAsset": [
          "assetId": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
          "amount": "1"
      "excludedIds": {
        "messages": [],
        "utxos": []

Also, I faced this error in another service during the dry-run of this func: