Transferring funds from wallet to wallet

Good day,

I implemented a function to send a specified amount of funds from one wallet to another.
I added the calculation of fees and gas. Everything worked well when I sent the entire wallet balance.

However, when I sent only 50%, I encountered a situation where the remaining funds in the sender’s wallet disappeared.
Transaction via my code

After that, I compared the transaction generated by my method with the one created by the Fuel wallet.
I discovered that my transaction lacks the CHANGE block, which contains the remaining wallet balance.
Transaction via wallet

I would like to ask for your assistance:

  1. What is the mistake in my code?

export async function transferWithFeeAdjustment(
    wallet: WalletUnlocked,
    destination: AddressLike,
    assetId: BytesLike,
    amountToSend: BN
): Promise<void> {
    const txRequest = new ScriptTransactionRequest();

    const resources = await wallet.getResourcesToSpend([
        { amount: amountToSend, assetId },

    txRequest.addCoinOutput(destination, amountToSend, assetId);

    const chainInfo = wallet.provider.getChain();
    const minGas = txRequest.calculateMinGas(chainInfo);
    const maxGas = txRequest.calculateMaxGas(chainInfo, minGas);

    txRequest.maxFee = maxGas.mul(1.1);

    const txCost = await wallet.getTransactionCost(txRequest);

    const transactionFee = txCost.maxGas
    txRequest.gasLimit = transactionFee;

    if (amountToSend.lte(transactionFee)) {
        throw new Error(
            "Insufficient balance to cover transaction fee. Please add more funds."

    const adjustedAmount = amountToSend.sub(transactionFee);
    if (adjustedAmount.lte(new BN(0))) {
        throw new Error(
            "Insufficient amount after deducting transaction fee. Unable to proceed."

    txRequest.outputs = [];
    txRequest.addCoinOutput(destination, adjustedAmount, assetId);

    const response = await wallet.sendTransaction(txRequest);

     await retry(async () => {
        return await response.wait();
    }, 10);

    return Promise.resolve()
  1. I found documentation on sending funds using a Predicate. Would it be better for me to use this method instead?
    Fuel TS SDK | Fuel Docs

@p.s @naz3eh

1 Like

Hey @Antik21 :wave:

The following line will be your issue, as within the addResources method, we also add the associated change to the output.

txRequest.outputs = [];

I’d suggest to use the transfer or createTransfer function:

const response = await wallet.transfer(

This will return any unused coins from the transfer back the sender :slight_smile:


You are right!
Thk you!

Now i use

const response = await wallet.transfer(

Istead of

 txRequest.outputs = [];
 txRequest.addCoinOutput(destination, adjustedAmount, assetId);
  const response = await wallet.sendTransaction(txRequest);

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