Topic discussion checklist
- Run
$ fuelup show
and add the output below:
Installed toolchains
nightly-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (default)
active toolchain
nightly-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (default)
forc : 0.66.2+nightly.20241017.31486c0b47
- forc-client
- forc-deploy : 0.66.2+nightly.20241017.31486c0b47
- forc-run : 0.66.2+nightly.20241017.31486c0b47
- forc-crypto : 0.66.2+nightly.20241017.31486c0b47
- forc-debug : 0.66.2+nightly.20241017.31486c0b47
- forc-doc : 0.66.2+nightly.20241017.31486c0b47
- forc-fmt : 0.66.2+nightly.20241017.31486c0b47
- forc-lsp : 0.66.2+nightly.20241017.31486c0b47
- forc-tx : 0.66.2+nightly.20241017.31486c0b47
- forc-wallet : 0.11.0+nightly.20241017.152bfb48c3
fuel-core : 0.40.0+nightly.20241017.eea8c60525
- Detailed steps to recreate issue:
I am using fuels-rs version 0.66.9 and since mainnet launch when i try to call a contract i get the error:
let swaylend_address = ContractId::from_str("0x657ab45a6eb98a4893a99fd104347179151e8b3828fd8f2a108cc09770d1ebae").unwrap();
name = "Swaylend",
abi = "./swaylend-monorepo/out/market-abi.json"
let provider = Provider::connect("").await.unwrap();
let secret = SecretKey::from_str(&dotenv::var("SECRET_KEY").expect("no secret key in .env file"))?;
let wallet = WalletUnlocked::new_from_private_key(secret, Some(provider.clone()));
let methods = Swaylend::new(swaylend_address, wallet).methods();
// This fails
The error is: Error: provider: io error: Response errors; not enough coins to fit the target
I get the same error when trying to call Mira contracts as well