Can you please provide the wallets you are trying to connect.
Also provide a console log of your browser and a recording if possible. If you want to send the recording in private, our team can take a look.
cc @Nazeeh21
in general, the only solution that was offered to me during the week of waiting was to go to an incomprehensible site where I had to enter a seed phrase to complete the migration of funds… are you serious? Where should I see that you care about the community?
@fuelUP can you please elaborate on who guided you and which website you were using? This is the only official website needed for the migration. You don’t need to do anything else, once migrated from here
this site (on screenshot)
I haven`t any ideas about connection bug
are you still facing the connec†ion issue? Would you be able to share a screen recording with the steps for the same?
Thx for your care. I migrate my assets sucsessfull. Sad bacause cann`t did it earlier. So everything is go on. )
I still have the same issue.
Rabby wallet.
Brave browser
Update: Later worked.
But not able to stake for some reason.
Hello @xnatasx welcome. This Forum isn’t a help outlet. Please reach out to Fuel assistant for step to step guidance on migrate your asset.
That link gets blocked as phising site, so I won’t do that.