My assets migrated to the wallet I dont control

My assets moved to not the wallet that I indicated in the process of migration. I made a bridge from a wallet in Ethereum (0xb39766100347e1ffa1459492c85e8E3a2b25d3a0) to this wallet in Fuel (0x4ea8F913e45A6Abb6ee71cd31c33a79E8bf5B24305820e4d03CDC8b5b6044409). I double-checked several times and saved the seed for this Fuel wallet. Moreover, I also sent some ETH for gas after the 1st tx. It was all on the official Bridge’s website, I did not mix up the wallets and did not forget what I did. I used the official Fuel Wallet application and just one wallet. But my assets are now on this wallet: 0xc1d994e6d44c842487c0ed8b1c45c8fd88eea49411fa0baa1e632ef6b4827102. And I dont have private keys or seed phrase for this. What’s going on?


Similar thing happened to me as well.

Please let me know if you find the solution.

My bridged ETH also ended up in the fuel address that is not present in my fuel wallet.

Hi, I think I figured it out. Instead of connecting with your fuel wallet - connect using metamask (or whatever evm wallet you are using).
i.e. use metamask also for the fuel address. You should be able to access your fund.

In conclusion: your Ethereum private key is controlling the address 0xc1d994e6d44c842487c0ed8b1c45c8fd88eea49411fa0baa1e632ef6b4827102 and to access it, you need to use your evm wallet - not the fuel wallet.

I’ve met the problem as you too, what should i do

I see the address “0xc1d994e6d44c842487c0ed8b1c45c8fd88eea49411fa0baa1e632ef6b4827102” is a predicate address from your evm wallet, which means you connected to fuel via EVM wallet instead of Fuel Wallet as you mentioned.

the solution is to connect to the right wallet and access the assets there