Help! Where is my assets?

My Migration was Completed! But now i can’t see any asset in ignition mainnet. After i connected wallet, i can see nothing, including assets, nfts or Transactions. how can i do to find and withdraw my 170 usdt to ethereum.

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the wallet you migrated to (0x534d…46c9) is different than the one you’re checking on explorer (0x4a56…c50c).

you need to connect to same wallet that you migrated to

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When I connect my Ethereum wallet on the page “”, the wallet address displayed under Phase 2 Wallet is correct. However, when I connect the same Ethereum wallet on the page “”, the account shows a different address. I do not have the private key for the Phase 2 Wallet and cannot control it.

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what is your wallet address on eth side?

ethereum wallet address: 0xc91f5E870dd2CcFa1Fcf1abbBf418FFABF241cac
Phase 2 Wallet: 0x534D43463965eA69dFE50FB7e7dB9Ff6Ac90388f57203281BB1F2217C6a646c9

howerver, it is 0x4a56Af2a6a04eB507088e7586FD6652f9c4e67B380BE05aA881539575ea2c50c in ignition mainnet

0x534D43463965eA69dFE50FB7e7dB9Ff6Ac90388f57203281BB1F2217C6a646c9 is one of the relative fuel predicate addresses for 0xc91f5E870dd2CcFa1Fcf1abbBf418FFABF241cac eth wallet.

it looks like when migrating, you connected your eth wallet on fuel side… instead of fuel wallet

can you try connecting to explorer using your eth wallet and check the assets there? I see it

I have already tried connecting the ETH wallet to the explorer, and the address displayed is 0x4a56Af2a6a04eB507088e7586FD6652f9c4e67B380BE05aA881539575ea2c50c, instead of the relative fuel predicate addresses (0x534D43463965eA69dFE50FB7e7dB9Ff6Ac90388f57203281BB1F2217C6a646c9)
, which is causing me to not see any assets when I check.

ok I see your problem now, the system is setting 0x4a56Af2a6a04eB507088e7586FD6652f9c4e67B380BE05aA881539575ea2c50c (the newest predicate version) as your default predicate because you don’t have ETH balance in the older ones.

the easy fix for this would be transferring any amount of eth to this account (0x534D43463965eA69dFE50FB7e7dB9Ff6Ac90388f57203281BB1F2217C6a646c9), then the system will recognize as the current predicate for this eth address

also, in your case the system should be able to identify even without having ETH on the account, because you have usdt there. we’ll work on a fix for it

Thank you for your reply, I hope it can be fixed soon.

hey @Jacob I just sent 0.000000001 ETH to your account 0x534D43463965eA69dFE50FB7e7dB9Ff6Ac90388f57203281BB1F2217C6a646c9, can you try connecting again ?

fuel是骗子 诈骗团体 水水水水水水水水水水水水


官方桥跨链回eth主网 根本收不到ETH,我已经等了30天了,然后有自称是所谓官方的解决途径 里面还要你提供钱包钥匙,都是骗子包括fuel,你看现在哪个交易所还能直接充币就明白了 根本没有

这就是所谓的解决方案 先让你提供钱包钥匙,可信吗,别私信我大胆在后面直接说

@youyou bitget可以充。但是提供私钥的话不可信,太危险了,我这个当初找不到钱包资产,我也怕叫我提供私钥。我不小心将资产转进来了ignition这个主网,phase2积分又没吃到,第一季空投也没领到,等于白亏手续费,当时我这币都查不到了信息了,他们现在帮我解决了,能查到了, 处理速度还算挺快的。现在想提出去又要gas费。这个gas费怎么弄,我想提回eth主网。