Cant claim fuel eth to sepolia eth after using fuel native bridge

check the ss attached!!

Hey welcome to the Fuel forum @sonalbiswas336,

How much ETH are you trying to bridge from the Fuel network to Sepolia? It seems the issue you’re encountering may be related to insufficient ETH in the bridging contract to fulfill your request.

As this was our initial launch of the bridge, we didn’t fully anticipate the overwhelming interest and number of testers from our community. For the next iteration, we plan to allocate a substantially larger amount of testnet ETH. We appreciate your engagement and support. Thank you for being a part of this journey! :slightly_smiling_face:

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I still have issue on the bridge,

I can Withdraw from Fuel to Sepolia, but I can not Deposit. Ive clean cookie, cache, update the wallet to last version.
Im using MM and both Fuel Wallet and Fuelet on the last version of chrome.

Once I click on bridge, MM does not open and the green CPA keeps Loading and I have an error message (See screenshot)

It is working fine now please check dear