Fuel Block Height is 0

I have been running Beta-4 fuel node for several days, but when I checked my ip:4000/playground, the height is not updating (stay 0) and also timestamp is not sync to my current block in my logs.

Just want to clarify what’s the issues cause I’m afraid I’m run the node for nothing.
Please help.

My $ fuelup show shows the output as below
forc : 0.46.1
- forc-client
- forc-deploy : 0.46.1
- forc-run : 0.46.1
- forc-crypto : not found
- forc-doc : 0.46.1
- forc-explore : 0.28.1
- forc-fmt : 0.46.1
- forc-lsp : 0.46.1
- forc-tx : 0.46.1
- forc-wallet : 0.3.0
fuel-core : 0.20.8
fuel-core-keygen : Error getting version string

fuels versions

forc : 0.45
forc-wallet : 0.45

The height when I check in the playground and my logs in my terminal.

2024-02-16T15:57:13.617524Z INFO new{name=UreshiFuel}:initialize_loop{service=“Relayer”}: fuel_core_relayer::service::get_logs: 33: Downloading logs for block range: 5301625…=5301625
2024-02-16T15:57:28.993826Z INFO new{name=UreshiFuel}:initialize_loop{service=“Relayer”}: fuel_core_relayer::service::get_logs: 33: Downloading logs for block range: 5301626…=5301626
2024-02-16T15:57:39.368873Z INFO new{name=UreshiFuel}:initialize_loop{service=“Relayer”}: fuel_core_relayer::service::get_logs: 33: Downloading logs for block range: 5301627…=5301627
2024-02-16T15:57:49.732496Z INFO new{name=UreshiFuel}:initialize_loop{service=“Relayer”}: fuel_core_relayer::service::get_logs: 33: Downloading logs for block range: 5301628…=5301628
2024-02-16T15:58:05.128245Z INFO new{name=UreshiFuel}:initialize_loop{service=“Relayer”}: fuel_core_relayer::service::get_logs: 33: Downloading logs for block range: 5301629…=5301629
2024-02-16T15:58:15.490072Z INFO new{name=UreshiFuel}:initialize_loop{service=“Relayer”}: fuel_core_relayer::service::get_logs: 33: Downloading logs for block range: 5301630…=5301630

Hey @HappyUreshi, it’s great to see you here! :blush: Could you please update your toolchain to the latest beta-5 version? You can do this by running the following commands:

  1. fuelup toolchain install beta-5
  2. fuelup default beta-5

After updating, would you mind trying again with the latest guide? It’s mostly the same commands, but with a few adjustments to the flags used. You can find the guide here: Running a Testnet Node | Fuel Docs

Thank you!

Wow, Thank you so much, it works!
So right now, I can run beta-5 node right?
Since I saw people in discord said that beta-5 is not yet available.

Your welcome ser! Beta-5 is already available but we just haven’t made an official announcement yet :shushing_face:

Hi, it seems like once I restart my node, my block height is not updating anymore.

If the logs looks like the below images, the height is updating

but once I restart my node, it shows downloading block like below and the block height stop updating (I checked on ip:4000/playground)
“2024-02-20T00:08:01.092756Z INFO new{name=HappyFuel}:initialize_loop{service=“Relayer”}: fuel_core_relayer::service::get_logs: 33: Downloading logs for block range: 5323678…=5323709”

Do you know what is the problem?. It happened when I first start my beta-4 node, now I updated to beta-5 and still having the same issue. Or is it only me ? haha

No errors here; it just seems like your node is synced up to date. :slightly_smiling_face:

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