I’m running fuel sepolia testnet node from last 2 months but every time it gets stuck at particular block height which force me to delete the whole snapshot file from server and restart the sync from start. This is causing so much trouble as my node is processing around 100 blocks per minute and it’s currently to block height of around 400k and but the current height of network is 10M. It will take so much time and I don’t think my node will be able to catch up to that height.
Do you have any snapshot file to download the synced data and start from 10M height?
Can you share the output for the fuelup show
from your terminal?
Can you update the toolchain using this guide and try again?
what is the command to update toolchain?
@naz3eh can you please write the commands here? The docs is not showing the accurate command.
did fuelup self update but it says Already up to date (fuelup v0.26.0)
Sure thing! follow these steps
fuelup self update
fuelup toolchain install nightly
fuelup default nightly
If I do all of this, then the node will start syncing more blocks or i have to restart again from first so that it uses the update.
@naz3eh updated nightly and installed all the latest too still when i use curl command to check the block height shows the same.
you might need to update your chain config as we updated it yesterday and this recent announcement might be helpful to you
What is the command to update chain config? @naz3eh
Also, my friend is running another node and that is working fine, didnt update any config files.
you will need to update your local clone using git pull