Fuel Counter-Contract Deploy Error

Contract id: 0x9ae39db698cce5e2b05951284c9b5a44f389d2186cffce9ad3168a0c143f0e3b
Please provide the address of the wallet you are going to sign this transaction with:fuel1vxwseld35v7xc4v0qh5xce9qjpc2v2yppvyyrwywg0a0cpyly7vqu2mkzf
Error: Provider error: Error making HTTP request: error sending request for url ( error trying to connect: tcp connect error: Connection refused (os error 111)

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It looks like you are trying to deploy to local network but local fuel-core is not running. Can you make sure you start a local node before trying to deploy.

Also if there are no specific reasons I would suggest updating to the latest versions

I was following Fuel’s guide but when i reached forc deploy --testnet. It showed an error thats why i opted for forc deploy. Could ypu guide me on how to start a local node or if you dont mind we do a simple google meet. I would appreciate it.

Can you share the error you got when trying to deploy to the testnet?

For running a local node, you can find a guide for that here: Running a Local Node | Fuel Docs

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└─$ forc wallet accounts
Please enter your password to verify cached accounts:
[0] fuel1vxwseld35v7xc4v0qh5xce9qjpc2v2yppvyyrwywg0a0cpyly7vqu2mkzf

└─$ forc deploy --testnet
error: Found argument ‘–testnet’ which wasn’t expected, or isn’t valid in this context

    Did you mean '--terse'?

    If you tried to supply `--testnet` as a value rather than a flag, use `-- --testnet`

forc deploy --terse

For more information try --help
Hi Sarah Thats the error. Note that I imported my already existing Wallet

Hi there! @siliasi
Your error seems quite weird :thinking:

Can you please run fuelup show and share the result with us? This will let us know your current toolchain version.

Thanks! :palm_tree:

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└─$ fuelup show
Default host: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
fuelup home: /home/x/.fuelup

installed toolchains

forc (default)

active toolchain

forc (default)
forc : 0.37.0
- forc-client
- forc-deploy : 0.37.0
- forc-run : 0.37.0
- forc-doc : 0.37.0
- forc-explore : 0.28.1
- forc-fmt : 0.37.0
- forc-index : Error getting version string
- forc-lsp : 0.37.0
- forc-tx : 0.37.0
- forc-wallet : 0.2.2
fuel-core : 0.17.11
fuel-core-keygen : Error getting version string
fuel-indexer : Error getting version string

The “deploy --testnet” feature was added in beta-4, which requires forc >0.46.

In order to update your toolchain you need to:

  1. Update fuelup by running fuelup self update
  2. Install the beta-4 toolchain by following this guide.
  • Install the toolchain: fuelup toolchain install beta-4
  • Set beta-4 as the default toolchain: fuelup default beta-4

Let me know if this works for you :palm_tree:

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└─$ fuelup self update
Fetching binary from https://github.com/FuelLabs/fuelup/releases/download/v0.20.0/fuelup-0.20.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz
Downloading component fuelup without verifying checksum
Unpacking and moving fuelup to /tmp/.tmpXGIFyl
Moving /tmp/.tmpXGIFyl/fuelup to /home/x/.fuelup/bin/fuelup

└─$ fuelup toolchain install beta-4

Could not build download configs from channel


└─$ curl --proto ‘=https’ --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://install.fuel.network/fuelup-init.sh | sh
fuelup: warning: forc is already installed via cargo and is in use by your system. You should update your PATH, or execute ‘cargo uninstall forc’
fuelup: warning: forc-fmt is already installed via cargo and is in use by your system. You should update your PATH, or execute ‘cargo uninstall forc-fmt’
fuelup: warning: forc-explore is already installed via cargo and is in use by your system. You should update your PATH, or execute ‘cargo uninstall forc-explore’
fuelup: warning: forc-lsp is already installed via cargo and is in use by your system. You should update your PATH, or execute ‘cargo uninstall forc-lsp’
fuelup: warning: fuel-core is already installed via cargo and is in use by your system. You should update your PATH, or execute ‘cargo uninstall fuel-core’

fuelup uses “/home/x/.fuelup” as its home directory to manage the Fuel toolchain, and will install binaries there.

To use the toolchain, you will have to configure your PATH, which tells your machine where to locate fuelup and the Fuel toolchain.

If permitted, fuelup-init will configure your PATH for you by running the following:

echo "export PATH="$HOME/.fuelup/bin:$PATH"" >> /home/x/.zshrc

Would you like fuelup-init to modify your PATH variable for you? (N/y)

fuelup will modify your PATH variable for you.

info: downloading fuelup 0.20.0

Could not build download configs from channel

fuelup 0.20.0 has been installed in /home/x/.fuelup/bin. To fetch the latest toolchain containing the forc and fuel-core binaries, run ‘fuelup toolchain install latest’. To generate completions for your shell, run ‘fuelup completions --shell=SHELL’.

/home/x/.fuelup/bin already exists in your PATH.

This happens when I’m installing fuel tool chain. Wondering why it doesn’t install all dependecies

Hi there!

I recommend doing a clean installation after removing completely the /home/x/.fuelup directory.

Hey guys, I also have some issues while trying to deploy a smart contract using ubuntu. I don’t know how to duplicate ubuntu screen so fetching the signature required to sign the transaction ID is where i am stuck.

When it says “provide the signature…” I can’t because I need to duplicate the shell before signing with the tx-id. I tried signing using the “sign message” section on wallet.fuel… but it didn’t work.

Hi there @officialsirvic please create a new topic for your specific issue!