Fuel node won't connect to peers


I have the Relayer working through my API, but P2P won’t work:

2024-06-09T07:38:30.752469Z ERROR new{name=fuel-core}:initialize_loop{service="P2P"}: fuel_core_p2p::peer_report: 165: Dial failure: peer id `Some(PeerId("16Uiu2HAmSMqLSibvGCvg8EFLrpnmrXw1GZ2ADX3U2c9ttQSvFtZX"))` with error `Failed to negotiate transport protocol(s): [(/dns4/p2p-beta-5.fuel.network/tcp/30333/p2p/16Uiu2HAmSMqLSibvGCvg8EFLrpnmrXw1GZ2ADX3U2c9ttQSvFtZX: : Handshake failed: Handshake failed: Handshake failed: Protocol negotiation failed.)]`

I’ve tried all 3 config directories for --snapshot but they all fail to handshake to any peers. What am I missing?

I am also unable to do fuelup:

root@nodes:~/fuel-core/target/debug# fuelup
fuelup: command not found
root@nodes:~/fuel-core/target/debug# find / -name "fuelup"

How it’s being started:

./fuel-core run \
--keypair [redacted] \
--relayer https://sepolia.infura.io/v3/[redacted] \
--ip \
--port 4000 \
--peering-port 30333 \
--utxo-validation \
--poa-instant false \
--snapshot /root/fuel-core/target/debug/chain-configuration/ignition/ \
--enable-p2p \
--reserved-nodes /dns4/p2p-beta-5.fuel.network/tcp/30333/p2p/16Uiu2HAmSMqLSibvGCvg8EFLrpnmrXw1GZ2ADX3U2c9ttQSvFtZX,/dns4/p2p-beta-5.fuel.network/tcp/30334/p2p/16Uiu2HAmVUHZ3Yimoh4fBbFqAb3AC4QR1cyo8bUF4qyi8eiUjpVP \
--sync-header-batch-size 100 \
--enable-relayer \
--relayer-v2-listening-contracts 0x557c5cE22F877d975C2cB13D0a961a182d740fD5 \
--relayer-da-deploy-height 4867877 \
--relayer-log-page-size 20



Really need some help here

Hey, @TheMaskedMang, can you share what OS you’re using it? Also, just to avoid any confusion, these are the docs for the testnet node.

Thanks Nazeeh!

Using the docs sorted it. Still can’t connect to peers though - but that is no accident.

Looking forward to the attackathon ;]

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I used VpsDime and for terminal i used terminus. worked well.

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