Fuel Node unable to connect to P2P

I am starting the Fuel Node from within my application, using:

fuel-core-bin = { version = "0.40", features = ["p2p", "relayer", "rocksdb"] }

The following appears in logs:

--service-name=sepolia-testnet --keypair KEYPAIR --relayer RELAYER --ip= --port=4000 --peering-port=30333 --db-path=fuel-sepolia-testnet --snapshot ./chain-configuration/ignition-dev --utxo-validation --poa-instant false --enable-p2p --reserved-nodes /dns4/p2p-testnet.fuel.network/tcp/30333/p2p/16Uiu2HAmDxoChB7AheKNvCVpD4PHJwuDGn8rifMBEHmEynGHvHrf --sync-header-batch-size 100 --enable-relayer --relayer-v2-listening-contracts=0x01855B78C1f8868DE70e84507ec735983bf262dA --relayer-da-deploy-height=5827607 --relayer-log-page-size=500 --sync-block-stream-buffer-size 30

And then:

2024-10-31T10:38:31.209671Z ERROR new{name=sepolia-testnet}:initialize_loop{service="P2P"}: fuel_core_p2p::peer_report: 172: Dial failure: peer id `Some(PeerId("16Uiu2HAmDxoChB7AheKNvCVpD4PHJwuDGn8rifMBEHmEynGHvHrf"))` with error `Failed to negotiate transport protocol(s): [(/dns4/p2p-testnet.fuel.network/tcp/30333/p2p/16Uiu2HAmDxoChB7AheKNvCVpD4PHJwuDGn8rifMBEHmEynGHvHrf: : Address already in use (os error 48): Address already in use (os error 48): Address already in use (os error 48))]`

Please note that it worked on Friday but has not worked since Saturday.

The chain-configuration is the latest available:

[master] {origin/master} {origin/HEAD} Upgraded ignition network to `fuel-core 0.40.0`

In case the issue relates to networking, I tried changing my DNS settings (,, …), connecting through VPN, etc.

I also tried running this inside Docked, in case Mac OS is somehow to blame.

All to no avail. Please advise. :pray:

Can you please share what command you use to start the node and what guide you follow?