Fuel Wallet/Ошибка при прохождении SwaySwap

При прохождении тестнета в кошельке Fuel Wallet, раздел SwaySwap, выдает следующую ошибку при попытке осуществления действия AddAssets: Актив 0x1bdeed96ee1e5eca0bd1d7eeeb51d03b0202c1faf764fec1b276ba27d5d61d89 недопустим. В чем может быть причина ошибки и как вылечить?

Hey @Kazbek welcome to the forum! Do you mind repeating your question in english? :slight_smile:

Using google translate this was the question

When going through the testnet in the Fuel Wallet, the SwaySwap section, it gives the following error when trying to perform the AddAssets action: Asset 0x1bdeed96ee1e5eca0bd1d7eeeb51d03b0202c1faf764fec1b276ba27d5d61d89 is invalid. What could be the cause of the error and how to cure it?

I was able to successfully add that particular asset to my wallet. What version of the wallet are you using for beta-4?

When a test occurs in the Fuel Wallet, the SwaySwap section, produces this error when performing the AddAssets action: Asset 0x1bdeed96ee1e5eca0bd1d7eeeb51d03b0202c1faf764fec1b276ba27d5d61d89 is invalid. What could be the cause of the error and how to cure it?
wallet version 0.13.5

Ahhhh I see what is wrong. You’re attempting to use SwaySwap, which is exclusively compatible with the beta-3 network. However, the wallet version you have is designed for the beta-4 network.

On another note, if you ever want to add assets manually to the wallet in the future, here’s the path:

hamburger tab > settings > assets > add assets

Thank you for your help! Please tell me how can I upgrade to Sway Swap, which is exclusively compatible with the Beta 4 network? Can I switch to a wallet designed for the beta 3 network? Another question - where to write the path that you sent me to add assets manually “hamburger tab > settings > assets > add assets” and how to add assets manually?

SwaySwap is an application maintained by Fuel’s core developers. However, we are unsure about the timeline for its upgrade to beta-4. Beta-3 is shutting down so it will not work soon.

where to write the path that you sent me to add assets manually “hamburger tab > settings > assets > add assets” and how to add assets manually?

I’m not certain what you’re asking in this question. Could you provide more clarity?

What are you trying to do with SwaySwap exactly?

I’m running a Fuel testnet that has SwaySwap that I need to add and create assets to. I was wondering how to use the “hamburger tab > settings > assets > add assets” path you sent me to add assets manually?

This should all be available inside your wallet user interface like the pictures I have sent above.