I have done succesfully Migration from EVM to Fuel in October
EVM ID: 0x173547b2dD66880854101B28F474E05ccAed98Fa
ETH-Wallet ID: 0x8d29a9040Bf7505F00C1745aB3b521c9EF3a9563DC34644a3C841A660B471bEC
a)I could succcesfully claim my Drop (on same wallet-ID´s)
This is new ETH-Wallet ID: 0xF26F2f40cBc6DD8bE0DC97418d0CbCBde94B6932Ae3c20dE3623FB8E912c53D6, which system is showing and it has nothing to do with my migration/claim.
If I go with this EVM-Wallet-ID and this wrong ETH-Wallet-ID under my account to see my drop + my Asset, logically I see nothing becuase of wrong assignemnt between EVM and ETH-Wallet .
So my migration was done correctly, my claim was succesful on same migration andres!
Hey @cryptoBender, it looks like you had created your account 0x8d29a9040Bf7505F00C1745aB3b521c9EF3a9563DC34644a3C841A660B471bEC using the evm connectors Fuel Ignition is Live!. I would suggest you connect using the evm wallet address and see if its the same address.
ALso, 0xF26F2f40cBc6DD8bE0DC97418d0CbCBde94B6932Ae3c20dE3623FB8E912c53D6 is certainly not an EVM-generated address, and is an account generated using native Fuel wallets.
Hi, I am just connecting my Rabby. Than 2nd request is coming and I am asked to connect my non-native (ETH) Wallet, which I am ding.
Claim Site/Migration site, is checking correctly the connection. If it comes to this link Fuel Ecosystem, wehre I would like t osee my asset/drop via “my account”, tha I a mgettign this wrong Non-EVM Wallet, assigned to my Rabby.
If the case is so easy, can we have quick call via Discord? I would like please to have my money back. I have checked the issue with all moderators in discord no one can help me till today!
Important, I don´t have any issues with: 0x83221250EcC3d56c…1639
I have problem with
The logic sounds fantastic, but it is exactly the problem, looks like for 2 different EVM-Wallets, same fuel-predicate was generated and migration was done with 2 assets, from 2 different evm-wallets to the same fuel predicate, but only 1st one recognizes it i nthe system:
An EVM address cannot generate the same predicate address as another EVM address. That’s technically impossible.
However, multiple EVM addresses can migrate assets to the same predicate address, which is what happened here.
Both of your migrations (from different EVM wallets) migrated pre-deposited assets into the same predicate address (0x8d29…471bEC) – see below screenshots for confirmation.
Your airdrop claim transaction accounted for both migrations into this predicate.
4. Last transactions
2,997.645232343 FUEL has been sent to 0x0a1a...8167 in transaction 0x48a...a50
0.093760389 pzETH has been sent to 0xf47F...9D67 in transaction 0xcf4d...d49
0.249017452 rstETH has been sent to 0xf47F...9D67 in transaction 0x997...f47
Note that 0x0a1ad9d4a8fcf606f455ce7dc0c4eb82a7fd049208855ebbffce8bebc6ad8167 is a Fuel Native Account.
Note that 0xf47f6e49d1a3f1615c4272dfe80c20e8f4db1c3ee1950181223b59c5d6fc9d67 is a predicate associated with the EVM address 0x3a01f32fd0fb01023e1c442a2a127aa5a3d60ff2.
At the time I wrote this comment, all assets are on those accounts mentioned right above – because they have been sent a few days ago.
I hope this breakdown clears up the situation and provides the clarity you need regarding the migrations and your airdrop.