Hey, how to update fuel-core keeping old synced block working?

Whenever new version of fuel-core is released, I update it via github and starts my testnet node by copying synced data from older version dir to new fuel-core dir but it gives me error every time which force me to start the sync from 0 block.

Is anyone facing the same issue?
If anyone not, please guide me to update it smoothly without losing the old synced blocks!

Have you tried the fuelup upgrade?

Hey @0xGitco

We recently changed the name of the network, so you need to download a new chain-configuration/ignition at master · FuelLabs/chain-configuration · GitHub and restart the node with a new configuration to continue follow the network.

We changed from Fuel Ignition to Ignition for posterity before launch.

As for updating fuel-core, you can run fuelup self update to keep in sync with the latest version.

@rishabhkeshan can you please write the commands I have to write to update and let the node to run sync?

done! figured out, just copied the previous synced snapshot to new fuel core dir