My contract not found in explorer , deployed using Typscript sdk

this is my code .

on console my contract I get address

Address {
bech32Address: ‘fuel1e5tdjlzufcvwut5dvs5yglweepmrevpnvuvt2djj6pyl3mygkwaq8m7f20’
} but on explorer not found …please suggest me better solution

Hi there, please check this answer

Thanks for this suggestion , but from this

Address {
bech32Address: ‘fuel1e5tdjlzufcvwut5dvs5yglweepmrevpnvuvt2djj6pyl3mygkwaq8m7f20’

how , I get contract id in hex form?

when I execute contract 


it give error : contract.functions.echo_u8(15).simulate() is not a function

Hi there!

Thanks for sharing more context on your issue.

  1. please be aware that window.fuel is being removed so you might use import { Fuel } from '@fuel-wallet/sdk instead
  2. Have we solved your question regarding the contract explorer?
  3. Please consider opening a new topic if you need further help regarding your code, errors, sdk methods and so on.
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