Please help i have a bug of my display wallet on brave , microsoft edge and chrome , version 0.24.0, on windows x64

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Hey @Al20i, could you elaborate on the bug you are facing, can’t seem to find any error here.


at first i used fuel wallet on chrome , since the begining of fuel sepolia testnet i can not install seedphrase so , i decided to install it on microsoft edge ; i can connect to all dapps , but when i want to put my adress in tab explorer i had this message ‘’’ adress not valid"" and an other problem it’s 'I can’t see the top part of my wallet

an exemple of normal wallet ;

and in my wallet the display is not normal ; i can’t see history of transaction

Hey @Al20i we are working on fixing the search param, meanwhile you can use the direct link here to navigate to your address{address}/assets

As for the extension, could you check your zoom settings?

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thank you i have verified and it’s not resolved ! i used 25 % of zomm

i used the link you gave me and i have a 404 error !

it work now , the search param is okay :wink:

Hey @Al20i, the search for the address in the explorer is done and you can query recent transactions and address in the explorer

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